
Time Management Tips for Writers

Image by Courtney Dirks via Flickr/Creative Commons

How do you do it all?

This is a question usually posed to career-oriented women who are also fantastic moms. Ironically, this is a question I am asked at least once a week despite the fact that I don’t have kids (unless you count the 89 students I teach at the Alabama School of Fine Arts). 

Irene Latham author of books such as Don’t Feed the Boy and The Sky Between Us
recently invited me to speak to a meeting of the Birmingham chapter of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators and she wanted me to speak on the topic of time management, on how I do it all. 

So what all do I do? I run See Jane Write and See Jane Write Magazine. I maintain a personal blog at WriteousBabe.com. I freelance for Birmingham magazine and USA Today’s custom publications. I write a monthly column for B-Metro magazine and a monthly segment for Birmingham’s NPR affiliate WBHM 90.3. And all of this is in addition to my full-time teaching job. I also exercise every day, stay active in my church and community, and I have a husband who would like to see me sometimes. 

So how do I do all this and stay sane? Well, firstly, I can’t guarantee that I’m sane, but there is a method to my madness. 

Here are some of the tips I offered the group last night: 

1. Keep a detailed to-do list every day. I actually keep an old school paper planner and in it I not only keep record of important dates for the month but also daily task lists. On especially busy days I set specific time brackets for each thing I must do. I even write down when I’m going to shower or take a break to grab a bite to eat. 

2. Know your “non-negotiables.” I have an ideal schedule for each day, a picture of how much time I would spend not just on writing but also on things like exercise and hanging out with my husband if I could. But then I am willing to adjust this schedule as things come up. The things you place on your ideal schedule, however, should be what I call your “non-negotiables” — things you must do daily. So I may have to adjust the amount of time I spend on these things or when I do them should speaking or networking opportunities pop up, for example, but I must get these things done nonetheless. My “non-negotiables” are work, exercise, showering, eating, writing or working on See Jane Write, and spending time with my husband. 

If you are a mother or a caretaker for an elderly parent and feel you don’t have much control over your day, get up early, stay up late, or carve out time in the middle of the day that you can devote to your writing. 

3. Trust the Pomodoro Technique. If I have a huge project or several tedious tasks to tackle in one day I use the Pomodoro method. The Pomodoro Technique, developed by Francesco Cirillo is simple, yet brilliant. You break down your work in 25-minute intervals, taking five-minute breaks after each one. After four work periods you take a longer break of about 20 minutes (enough time to grab a sandwich or a shower). The technique is based on the idea that the frequent breaks will keep you sharp. And it works!

4. Be social. I attend several networking events a month. It’s a good way to be very career-focused and still have a social life. Also, make time for social media. This doesn’t mean you have to stare at your Facebook feed for hours. Just take a few minutes throughout the day (such as during lunch or breaks) to engage your networks. Scheduling tweets and Facebook posts is a great timesaver, too. 

5. Remember that balance is a unicorn. If you want to know how to have a well-balanced life, let me know when you figure that out. During her Birmingham visit last fall, superstar journalist, entrepreneur, wife and mother Soledad O’Brien was asked how she balances it all and her answer was simple: “I don’t.” She said that sometimes she’s a bad mother to be a good journalist, while other times she’s a bad journalist to be a good mother. Those comments lifted tons of weight from my shoulders. Sometimes I am a bad blogger because I need to be a good teacher. Sometimes I’m a bad businesswoman because I need to be a good wife, daughter, sister, or friend. And that’s OK. 

How do you write and still have a life? 

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Let Idris be your muse today.

Here’s a little motivation to get your day off to a great start.

Write on, ladies, and happy Valentines’s Day!



4 Ways to Make 2014 Your Best Year Yet

Image by Dan Moyle via Flickr/Creative Commons

Happy New Year!

2013 was a big year for See Jane Write Birmingham. We hosted panel discussions on blogging and community journalism, publishing, and social media. We started Bloggers Who Brunch. And we launched an online magazine!

Even though 2013 was great, I want 2014 to be even better and not just for me, but for you too. Here are four ways you can help make 2014 your best year yet.

1. Set writing goals for the New Year. These goals will motivate and guide you throughout the year. If you need some inspiration check out the writing resolutions of some See Jane Write Magazine readers.

2. Develop helpful habits. I know you may be skeptical about making a New Year’s resolution. You may be thinking, “Been there. Done that. Didn’t work.” But let’s take a different approach this year. Instead of just drafting a list of lofty goals, decide on things you can do daily, weekly, and monthly that will help you accomplish those goals. By doing this you’re breaking down your big goals into small manageable steps. That’s exactly what I’m doing. You can read about my writing resolutions on SeeJaneWriteMagazine.com.

3. Find a writing accountability partner. As Natalie Goldberg states in her book Writing Down the Bones, writing is a communal act. We need someone in our lives to give us honest feedback and to hold us accountable for the goals that we set for our writing careers. My hope for the next See Jane Write event — a mixer set to be held Thursday, Jan. 9 at the Wine Loft — is that attendees will find a writing accountability partner for 2014. This mixer is free, but registration is required. Click here to sign up today.

4. Give back. While you should definitely take out more time for yourself this year to work on your writing, don’t forget to give back to others too. You can kick off the new year doing just that at the Serve and Strut Brunch, set for Saturday, Jan. 4. At this event you will enjoy a three-course meal, live entertainment and a chance to win door prizes and you will have the opportunity to give the gift of style. Attendees are asked to donate a pair of new or gently used women’s shoes which will be given to Birmingham-area women’s charities. Learn more about the event and its organizer, Cydni Robertson of ItsHerStrut.com, in this week’s edition of See Jane Write Magazine.

What are you goals for 2014?

See Jane Write 2014

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T.K. Thorne to give book signings for Last Chance for Justice


Here in Birmingham, residents and city officials all year have been  commemorating the events of the 1963 civil rights movement. The hope is that we will pave the path for a better future as we reflect on our past. 50 Years Forward has been the theme, the mantra, of the events held this year. 

Sunday marks the 50th anniversary of the infamous bombing at Sixteenth Street Baptist Church that claimed the lives of four little girls. Tomorrow and on Saturday, Sept. 28 author T.K. Thorne will be at local bookstores signing her new book Last Chance for Justice: How Relentless Investigators Uncovered New Evidence Convicting the Birmingham Church Bombers.

Thirty-seven years the bombing, the FBI reopened what some thought was a hopeless case.  In Last Chance for Justice Thorne gives readers an inside look into the investigation from the perspectives of police detective Sergeant Ben Herren and FBI Special Agent Bill Fleming.  Publisher’s Weekly says, “Thorne’s story is a stunning reminder of just how tough the fight for freedom—and justice—really is.”   

Upcoming book signings by T.K. Thorne, author of Last Chance for Justice: How Relentless Investigators Uncovered New Evidence Convicting the Birmingham Church Bombers:

T.K. Thorne
Reed Books
Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
2021 3rd Avenue North
Birmingham, AL 35203
Saturday, Sept. 28, 2013
1 – 3 p.m.
Brookwood Mall
757 Brookwood Village
Birmingham, AL 35209