
I Need a Do Over

Here we are at the end of the first quarter of 2017 and I feel as if I need a do over.

Yes, I did accomplish a lot this quarter: I hosted my first virtual summit. I took a writecation. I hosted several live events (virtual and in person). I helped a VIP coaching client launch a blog and another write a book.

But along the way I lost focus. I began to question my major goals for the quarter, for the year, for my life! And so I stopped pursuing them.

After revisiting my life vision and personal mission, spending lots of quality time with my prayer journal, and chatting with my business coach, I am back on track. And I’m declaring the second quarter of 2017 my do over. If your year didn’t start off quite the way you had wished, I invite you to declare this next quarter your do over, too.

On April 3 at 6:30 p.m. CT I’m hosting a free goal setting and planning webinar to help you slay the next 90 days. Click here to sign up and get a free workbook.

Let’s do this!

Where There Is No Vision…

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” – Proverbs 29:18

We’re 7 days into March, the month that should be all about crushing my 1st quarter goals, but instead I feel as if my goals and everything else in my life are all crushing me!

Lately, I have felt so uninspired and this has hampered my ability to write and blog. Because I help the women of See Jane Write with this issue all the time I know exactly what my problem is: I lack vision.


36 for 36

Photographer: Stanley Parrish (www.pixeloutflowstudios.com)

There’s something special about having a birthday in the second month of the year. If you’ve had less than a happy new year, if you’ve broken resolutions or failed to accomplish your January goals, your birthday becomes your second chance. Your birthday becomes your do-over.

Today, February 9, is my birthday. Today begins my second chance at 12 months of excellence.

Today I turn 36 and as I wrote in my Write Like a Girl column for B-Metro, at first I wasn’t quite sure what to do with this new age. You see, 36 is not a milestone birthday, but it sure feels like one as it officially declares me closer to 40 than 30. Does this make me old? I wondered. Does this mean I’m “over the hill”? Was 35 “the hill”?

But, I’ve decided that only I can define the prime of my life, so, I will take 36 and have the time of my life.

Here are 36 things — both personal and professional — I want to do while I’m 36:


Hello 2017

This will be the year I believe in magic.

This will be the year I dream my wildest dreams and wholeheartedly believe that each one of them will come true.

Believing in magic doesn’t mean I will work less. This will be the year I hustle harder than I ever have before. But this year I will accept that sometimes hustle isn’t enough. Sometimes you need magic.

And magic is that place where gumption meets grace.


December is the New January



I know what you’re thinking: “OK. Javacia really needs to stop waking up at 4 a.m. That girl is so sleepy she doesn’t know what month it is!”

Don’t worry. I’m fully aware that today is December 1, not January 1, but for me December is the new January. Gone are the days of waiting until January 1 to start working on my goals for the New Year. I’m going to start slaying my 2017 goals TODAY.
