
How to Journal Every Day

If you want to journal every day, you’ve got to be intentional and not simply hope that it’s going to happen. You need to plan to journal and then commit to sticking with the plan.

You need a time, a place, and a plan.


Writing Sprints: Strengthen Your Writing With This Exercise

Writing sprints could be the answer to your “I don’t have time to write” problem. Just as physical sprints can help you become a stronger runner or cyclist, writing sprints can strengthen your creativity.

What is a writing sprint?

A writing sprint is a short period of time during which you write as much as you can – without editing. You simply set a timer and write! The key, however, is to stay laser-focused during that time.

I recommend 20 to 30 minutes for a writing sprint.


4 Things to Know About Building Your Personal Brand

Building a personal brand is one of the most important things you can do for your writing career. Don’t get me wrong – it is NOT the most important thing. Nothing is more important than just sitting down and DOING THE WORK. Writers write. Period.

But if you want people to read your writing, building your personal brand is a good way to make that happen.

Here are 5 things you should know about building your personal brand.


The Best Planner for Writers

The best planner for writers is any planner that will help you achieve your writing goals. I always say the magic is in the planning, not the planner. And honestly, the planning is just half the battle. You must follow through to see any progress. But I’m a huge fan of the Day Designer planner because if you put it to use, it can help you not only make time to write but also design a life worth writing about.


Why I’m Obsessed with Beyoncé

By the time you read this, I probably will have already seen Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé twice. For real. And yes, I went to the actual concert too, but I knew this movie would be much more than recordings of the show.

In short, Renaissance the movie feels magical, yet as the behind-the-scenes looks show us how the magic is made, you suddenly feel as if you’re capable of magic too.

And that right there is exactly why I’m so obsessed with Beyoncé. Honestly, I think that’s what makes her so magnetic to most of us certified members of the Beyhive.
