Dreams & Goals

My New 40 Before 40 List

For me, this month is all about hitting the reset button. I reset my 2020 goals. I revamped the See Jane Write website. And I’m doing the work to reset my relationship with God.

I’ve also been resetting my 40 Before 40 list.

Back in February when I turned 39 I shared a list of 40 things I want to do before my 40th birthday.

Then COVID-19 ended the world as we knew it.

Shortly after that I learned I would need to undergo chemotherapy. (In case you’re new around here, I was diagnosed with breast cancer in January, but initially told I would only need surgery and radiation for treatment.)

COVID, cancer, and chemo obviously mean that many of my 40 Before 40 plans — like traveling and hosting in-person events — simply can’t happen. And for a while, I was going to just ditch the whole project. But that felt too much like giving up and that’s something I refuse to do.

So here’s my updated 40 Before 40 List.


My Theme for the Month and Why You Should Have One, Too

July is here which means we’re halfway through this dumpster fire of a year. Like the rest of the world, I’m dealing with the emotional stress of living in a society plagued by two pandemics – COVID-19 and racism. And on top of that, I’m battling breast cancer.

As much as I want to cancel 2020, I can’t. So, I must find a way to survive it and perhaps even thrive in it instead.

So, my theme for the month is RESET.


5 Ways See Jane Write Can Help You Get What You Want

What do you want for your writing life?

Do you want to write a book?

Have you written a book that you want to see published?

Do you want to start a blog?

Have you started a blog that you want to grow?

Do you want to begin a freelance writing career?

Have you been freelancing as a side gig and now you’re thinking of writing full time?

Or maybe you just want to FINALLY feel like a real writer.

See Jane Write exists to help you get what you want.


Why I’m Still a Goal Digger

I have plenty of reasons to not be a goal digger right now.

We’re still in the midst of a global health pandemic. Young people across the country are putting their lives on the line for justice. And I’m battling breast cancer.

The picture on the left is one my husband took of me 5 years ago. It was just a few moments before I was getting ready to kick off a See Jane Write event at DISCO. The event — as you may have guessed from my t-shirt — was all about helping attendees set goals for the upcoming year and develop a plan for achieving them.

The picture on the right is one my husband took of me just a few days ago. You’ll notice my curly tresses are gone – a casualty of chemotherapy. I’m in my home office.  With all that’s going on, who knows when I’ll be able to host an in-person See Jane Write event again. But thanks to the Internet, just before this picture was taken, I was able to go live in the See Jane Write Network Facebook group to discuss the importance of setting weekly goals.

In spite of everything, I am still a goal digger. And you should be, too.


Goal Setting in Times of Uncertainty

If you’ve known me for a long time or even a little while, you know I’m obsessed with goal setting. As a friend of mine once said, my goals have goals. And she’s right. I’m a goal digger.

It’s April 1, so, of course, I’ve set some goals for the new month and the new quarter.

But I almost didn’t.
