Dreams & Goals

Write Your Way to the Life of Your Dreams

On the day I turned 11 years old, I decided I wasn’t a kid anymore. I decided I was a woman.

Typing those words makes me laugh out loud. But looking back on that day I realize that even though 11-year-old me had no idea what it really meant to be a woman, I did have a clear vision of the woman I wanted to be.


Can you change your life in 90 days?

image via Instagram

October is here which means we’re in the final quarter of the year. As a football fan, I love a good 4th quarter win — you know, when your team makes a comeback and steals the game. But if you see me strutting around holding four fingers in the air this season, it may not be for my favorite football team (Roll Tide!) but for myself and for YOU. I am declaring that this quarter is ours!

I believe you can change your life in 90 days. 

Here’s how I plan to do it:
