Are you a writer or a blogger?

Are you a writer or just a blogger?

I Googled this question the other day after watching an old YouTube video by Ianthia Smith on this topic.

Ianthia is a news reporter turned lifestyle blogger and in the video, she interviewed her former boss who has followed a similar path.

She shared that when she quit her reporting job to blog many of her peers looked down on her for that decision. Why would leave her journalism to be “just a blogger,” they wondered.


My 40 Before 40 List

Today I turn 39. Today I enter the last year of my 30s. Today I begin my 40 Before 40 project!

And this will be my obsession for the next 366 days, so brace yourself!

I love lists and I am completely obsessed with setting and going after goals, so making a list of 40 things to do before I turn 40 is the best gift I could give myself.

I’ll be tracking my progress on my Instagram Stories, so I hope you will follow along @seejavaciawrite.

This year will be 366 days to become the fierce and fabulous woman I want to be in my 40s.

I know that this next year will test my faith and my strength like no year before ever has. But I’m ready.

Let’s do this!


Get Back on Track with Your New Year’s Goals

For reasons I’m not ready to write about publicly, January 2020 was the worst month of my life. So my New Year’s goals were nowhere near front of mind.

Fortunately, I spent most of January in 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting with my church. My faith, my family, and my close friends got me through the things I had to face and I know they will get me through the things to come.

But I want a do-over.

So, 2020 starts for me today. And since February is my birthday month, this month truly will bring the start of a new year.

If January was a dumpster fire of a month for you, too, let’s start over together. Happy New Year!

Here’s what I’m doing to get back on track with my New Year’s goals.


Member of the Month: Kymmie Cartledge

Kymmie Cartledge is a See Jane Write Collective member that I brag on a lot. In addition to being a member, Kymmie is also a former coaching client of mine and during the time that we worked together, Kymmie started a business from scratch and planned her first event — a vision board workshop — which was a smashing success.

But she was just getting started.
