What if I run out of blog post ideas?

blog latte
To get through #bloglikecrazy all you need is this list of ideas… and caffeine (Image by Filipe Ferreira via Flickr/Creative Commons)

#bloglikecrazy is underway!

For those of you who are new around here, each November I challenge the women of See Jane Write to publish a new blog post every day for 30 days. We call this challenge #bloglikecrazy.

Throughout the month, share your posts via Twitter with the hashtag #bloglikecrazy and in the See Jane Write Facebook group and I will read and promote as many of your posts as I can.

During #bloglikecrazy you’re free to write about whatever you want. But each year I offer a list of writing prompts just in case you find yourself facing blogger’s block. (Many of the prompts are linked to examples, too.) So use the prompts if needed in any order you choose.

Here are 30 post ideas to help you #bloglikecrazy:

1. Why do you blog?
2. What are your goals as a blogger, writer or small business owner?
3. Write your personal mission statement.
4. Write a letter to your younger self.
5. Write an open letter to someone you need to thank.
6. Everyone is an expert in something. Write a post about your area of expertise – why you consider yourself an expert and how you came to be one.
7. Write a How To post.
8. Write a How NOT To post.
9. Write a post about something you do, love, or believe that’s unpopular with most folks.
10. Write your manifesto.
11. Post a Q&A with a woman you admire.
12. Use some of your favorite Instagram pics as a visual writing prompt.
13. Write about your favorite CD of the year thus far.
14. Write about the best book you’ve read this year.
15. Write about a time you changed your mind.
16. Learn to love your haters by taking a negative comment and flipping it into an empowering post.
17. What I Learned About Myself From ______(This can be a book, a film, an album, or even a person.)
18. Write a post called The Things I Don’t Blog About.
19. Write a post called 30 Things I Love Right Now.
20. Write a post about fitness – how you stay fit or how you plan to get in shape.
21. Write about your guilty pleasures and why you don’t actually feel that guilty for loving them.
22. What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
23. Write about your favorite place.
24. Write a post about your favorite dish or a meal you’ve had that you will never forget.
25. Write a post about your best friend or a group of friends.
26. Write a post about your family.
27. What are you thankful for?
28. Write about an outfit that makes you feel fabulous and fierce.
29. Set 4 simple goals for the remainder of 2014 and write about them.
30. What did you learn from #bloglikecrazy?

Each day in November for #bloglikecrazy I’ll be publishing a blog post that answers your questions about blogging, social media, writing, wellness or women’s empowerment. Send your questions to javacia@seejanewritebham.com

Why should I #bloglikecrazy?

why blog
Image by Shashi Bellamkonda via Flickr/Creative Commons – Photo taken at the Blog World Expo 2008

Today is Day One of #bloglikecrazy.

Each November I challenge the women of See Jane Write to publish a new blog post every day for 30 days. If you plan to play along, be sure to share your posts on Twitter using the hashtag #bloglikecrazy.

Chances are you’re wondering why you should bother doing this in the first place. You’re wondering if at the end of #bloglikecrazy you’ll land the book deal you’ve always wanted or suddenly have so many blog sponsorships that you’ll be able to quit your day job.

Probably not.

But you will be a better writer.

I believe writing is a practice. I am a runner (a very slow runner, but a runner nonetheless) and I often see parallels between running and writing. Just as I must train to run a half marathon, I must train to write a book or even an award-winning essay.

Consider #bloglikecrazy your writing workout plan.

Some people say you should only write when you feel inspired. But that’s like saying a runner should only run when she’s in the mood to do so. If I’m training for a race I need to pound the pavement when it’s hot, when it’s cold, and sometimes even in the rain if necessary.

I understand that writing may not be a passion for all people who blog. But I’m in this for a gold medal.

But you don’t just have to take my word on the matter.

In her book Writing Down the Bones Natalie Goldberg also makes a connection between writers and athletes. She writes:

“This is the practice school of writing. Like running, the more you do it, the better you get at it. Some days you don’t want to run and you resist every step of the three miles, but you do it anyway. You practice whether you want to or not. You don’t wait around for inspiration and deep desire to run. It’ll never happen, especially if you’re out of shape or have been avoiding it. But if you run regularly, you train your mind to cut through or ignore your resistance. You just do it. And in the middle of the run, you love it. When you come to the end, you never want to stop. And you stop, hungry for the next time.”

So let’s #bloglikecrazy!

Each day in November for #bloglikecrazy I’ll be publishing a blog post that answers your questions about blogging, social media, writing, wellness or women’s empowerment. Send your questions to javacia@seejanewritebham.com


It’s Time to #bloglikecrazy

javacia #bloglikecrazy

Ladies of See Jane Write, it’s almost time to #bloglikecrazy.

Every year I challenge the women of See Jane Write to publish new blog posts every day for 30 days in the month of November.

Yeah, I know that sounds crazy. But that’s why it’s called Blog Like Crazy!

Throughout the month, share your posts on Twitter using the hashtag #bloglikecrazy and in the See Jane Write Facebook group. Do this and I’ll read, comment on, and help promote as many of your posts as I can.

If you’ve been stuck in a blogging rut, #bloglikecrazy could be the cure to your writer’s block. If you’ve been wanting to start a blog but you’ve kept putting it off, #bloglikecrazy could be the motivation you’ve been looking for to end your posting procrastination.

I’ll even give you writing prompts to keep you from running out of post ideas.

But don’t take my word for it. Here’s what See Jane Write member and fitness blogger Tanya Sylvan had to say about #bloglikecrazy:

I had thought about blogging but had many hesitations: Would I have enough to write about? Would anyone listen? Would I want to keep blogging? #bloglikecrazy was the perfect opportunity for me to test the waters. Before and during the entire month of November, Javacia and the other ladies were nothing but encouraging and loving and helpful. The prompts took away the fear of not having anything to write. And after blogging for a month, it felt natural and I found my voice. I owe all my All In Stride craziness to Javacia!

If you need help getting started, join us at the #blogikecrazy kick-off workshop 1 to 5 p.m. on Saturday, November 1 at Church Street Coffee and Books, 81 Church Street in Mountain Brook.

Now let’s get ready to #bloglikecrazy!

Ask Jane

Ask Jane

November is just around the corner and soon it will be time for #BlogLikeCrazy!

For those of you who are new to See Jane Write, for #BlogLikeCrazy I challenge the women of See Jane Write to publish a new blog post every day in the month of November.

Typically, I post on my personal blog, WriteousBabe.com, for #BlogLikeCrazy, but this year I’m doing something a bit different.

This year I’m going to post her to  the See Jane Write blog and each post will be an answer to your questions. I’m calling this special series of posts “Ask Jane.”

So help me collect 30 questions to which I will respond in November during #BlogLikeCrazy. I’ll answer questions about blogging, freelance writing, social media, or the future of See Jane Write. I’ll even answer questions about myself and the writing life.  Leave your questions in the comments of this post or email them to javacia@seejanewritebham.com.

I can’t wait to read your questions!


The Birmingham Jane: Carrie Rollwagen


bham jane nail art
Carrie Rollwagen is representing for the Birmingham Janes! Contribute to her Kickstarter campaign and she’ll represent for your blog or business too. She’s also offering a nail art workshop as a reward.

What would you do if you weren’t afraid?

I have a long list of answers to this question: do a one-year blogging challenge, write and publish a book, strive to run a profitable small business, launch a Kickstarter campaign. But my list could be summed up with one statement: Be Carrie Rollwagen.

Rollwagen is a small business owner, a prolific blogger, a social media guru and much more. She also has the cutest nails in town. And now she’s about to add something else to her resume — published author.

Rollwagen, co-owner of Church Street Coffee and Books and the writer behind the Shop Small blog, is now about to publish The Localist, a book that’s all about shopping locally. Rollwagen decided to self-publish the book and recently launched a Kickstarter campaign to help fund her project. She reached her fundraising goal in less than a month!

I had a chat with Rollwagen recently — at a locally owned coffee shop, of course — about her book project and her secrets to success.

Becoming a Localist

Carrie Rollwagen

Rollwagen’s interest in local shopping began when she managed a small book store in Mountain Brook. She believed that the camaraderie she experienced at that store was unique to locally-owned shops. But then she worked at Starbucks and found the same sense of community there as well. Rollwagen, a former full-time journalist, wanted to investigate.

“I’m a frustrated journalist,” she says.

And so in 2011 she challenged herself to only buy from locally-owned stores for one year. She launched the blog Shop Small to chronicle her adventure.

Rollwagen admits that she thought her “Shop Small” challenge would be extremely difficult and extremely expensive.

She was wrong.

“I spent far less money that year than I usually do,” Rollwagen says.

She explained that when you shop small there’s less of a chance for impulse buying. There are very few, if any, displays set up in locally owned shops to entice you to purchase things that aren’t on your shopping list. Furthermore, because local shops weren’t as easy to get to as big box stores, Rollwagen would often talk herself out of buying things. And she wasn’t eating any fast food.

Finding stores at which to shop was easier than she expected. She often found what she needed simply by asking friends or doing a quick Google search. Rollwagen was even able to go to the movies thanks to the Birmingham-based theater The Edge opening that year.

What was Rollwagen’s conclusion after this year of shopping small?

“Local is almost always better,” she says.

Rollwagen is a localist, but she’s also a realist and she makes no claims that small business owners are somehow better people than the owners of big box stores.

“It is in the financial interest of a small business owner to be a nice person,” she says. “Small shop owners have a better incentive to treat people well and build community.”

If you have a bad experience at Target most likely you’re going to go back to Target nonetheless and even if you don’t chances are the Target employee you had a bad interaction with doesn’t care. Small shop owners know that it’s good customer service and a sense of community and camaraderie that will bring you back.

While Rollwagen doesn’t recommend that other people take on her extreme shop small challenge, she does stress that we should all buy local as often as we can as this is a great way to improve your community.

As Rollwagen explains in her Kickstarter campaign video, for every $10 spent at locally owned stores four to seven dollars goes back into your community. When you shop corporately only three dollars, at the most, goes back into your city.

Think of the local place first, she says. Amazon doesn’t pay taxes in your state.

Deciding to Self-Publish

DIY Publishing

Rollwagen admits that she hasn’t been a fan of self-publishing in the past — and for good reason. As many avid readers know, a book needs good editing, good design and a good marketing campaign to be successful. Most self-published authors don’t have all these skills or the resources to hire someone who does.

But Rollwagen’s book is centered on Birmingham and she thought a book a that was this, well, “localist” wouldn’t appeal to traditional publishers.

“Just because it doesn’t have a national market doesn’t mean it shouldn’t exist,” she says.

Rollwagen’s Shop Small blog was quite successful thanks to her fresh, informative content and effective social media marketing. But she knew she had more to say.

“I wanted to tell this story in a new way,” she says.

So she decided to write a book and self-publish it.

The book is part memoir, focusing on her life as a localist and even offering a few tips on how people can shift their own shopping habits to support small businesses more often.

The book is also a study of buying patterns — why you like big box stores, why they’re not all bad, and the effects of our shopping on us as individuals and on our communities.

The book also offers a behind-the-scenes look into Church Street Coffee and Books.

To ensure that her self-published book would be of high quality, Rollwagen launched her Kickstarter campaign to raise funds to hire an editor and designer.

How to Rock Your Kickstarter Campaign

Rollwagen reached her fundraising goal of $5,000 in less than a month. Now she’s working on her stretch goal. She’s hoping to raise an additional $3,000 so she can go on a book tour to spread the localist gospel to other towns.

Rollwagen offered these tips on how to run a successful Kickstarter campaign:

  • Apply the tips that Kickstarter gives you and look at projects similar to yours for promotion ideas.
  • Produce a great video and in it be sure to convince people that your project is something that you can actually do. Also, explain exactly how you plan to use the money.
  • Have enticing and creative rewards and be sure to include their cost in your project budget. One of Rollwagen’s rewards was nail art! For a donation of $10 or more, Rollwagen would decorate her nails with the name of your company. Nail art was a perfect way for Rollwagen to help promote her project because whenever someone would say “Oh, I like your nails!” she could strike up a conversation about her Kickstarter campaign.
  • But these conversations could only happen if she was out and about. So Rollwagen’s other piece of advice is to be sure to network during your campaign. And carry business cards that include a URL for your campaign.


The Birmingham Jane is a See Jane Write series of profiles on women in Birmingham who are making a difference in our city. If you know of a woman who is making a difference in Birmingham please send your nominations to javacia@seejanewritebham.com. And don’t be ashamed to nominate yourself!