Creating routines for writers is a bit of an obsession of mine because I believe good time management is the key to both a successful writing career and a fulfilling life. As a writer, you probably already know that having a writing routine can help you write that book, launch that blog, or stay consistent with your newsletter. But what you may not realize is that having routines for other aspects of your life can elevate your writing too.

To make the most of your creative energy, having routines in place is key. Whether you’re trying to squeeze in writing around other commitments or want to create a rhythm that lets you flourish, routines can help you stay focused, energized, and on track.

My five years as a full-time freelance writer and the 10 years I spent juggling writing with being an English teacher have shown me that there are five essential routines every writer needs. Let’s dive in!

Your Writing Routine

Let’s start with the obvious! A consistent writing routine is the foundation for any writer. It doesn’t matter if you’re an early bird or a night owl—what matters is committing to a time that works for you and showing up regularly.

Pick Your Prime Time: Figure out when you’re most creative or focused and make that your writing window. For some, it’s early mornings with a cup of coffee; for others, it’s late nights when the world is quiet. I’m definitely an early bird and that’s why when I was a teacher, I woke up at 4 am EVERY SINGLE DAY so that I could write before I headed to school. I’m not saying you need to get up dark and early like I did, but you do need to figure out what works for you.

Set a Daily Word Count: Setting a tangible goal can help you track progress and build momentum. I recommend starting low – let’s say 200 words – and slowly adding to it over time. When you set a low word count goal, you’re more likely to show up for yourself and for your writing even when you don’t feel like it because you can say to yourself, “It’s just 200 words. I can do this.” You won’t feel intimidated or overwhelmed as you might with a 1,000-word goal.

Create a Dedicated Writing Space: This doesn’t need to be fancy. Before my husband and I bought our house and I was able to set up a home office, I did my writing at our tiny dining room table. But having a place where you can focus and escape distractions will make a huge difference in your productivity. If your house is chaotic, consider going to a coffee shop or library.

Pro Tip: Start small if you’re just building this habit—commit to 15 minutes a day and gradually increase your time.

Related Reading: How to Create a Writing Routine

Your Morning Routine

What you do in the morning sets the tone for the entire day, especially for a writer! Establishing a morning routine that primes your mind and body for productivity will help you approach the blank page with clarity.

Wake Up Early (or At Least Consistently): Consistent wake-up times set your body clock, which helps with focus and energy levels throughout the day and keeps you from hitting that snooze button.

Morning Movement: Gentle exercise, such as yoga or stretching, can wake up your muscles and clear mental fog. My favorite way to move my body in the morning is with a brisk walk around my neighborhood. I also enjoy Pilates and doing YouTube workouts.

Mindful Journaling: Spend 5–10 minutes free-writing or journaling first thing in the morning to clear your mind and get your creative juices flowing. You can also use this journaling time to set your intentions for the day, write positive affirmations or make a list of things for which you’re grateful.

Pro Tip: If you don’t have a morning routine right now, add one practice at a time. Habit stacking is one of the most effective ways to build routines and stick with them.

Related Reading: How to Create a Morning Routine

Your Evening Routine

Your evening routine is all about winding down and prepping yourself for the next day. Writers often find themselves up late thinking about projects or to-do lists, so establishing a calming nighttime ritual can be a game-changer.

Digital Detox: Aim to step away from screens at least an hour before bed to reduce overstimulation and help your mind relax.

Reflect and Plan: Take a few minutes each evening to reflect on what you accomplished during the day and plan the next day’s goals. This can keep you focused and motivated.

Wind Down with Reading: Reading before bed can help you unwind while also improving your writing skills. Choose something enjoyable that doesn’t feel like work.

Consider what else you could do each night that would help calm your body and your mind. Your skin care routine or a cup of lavender tea, for example, could signal to your body and mind that it’s time to relax.

Pro Tip: Keep a notebook by your bed for those middle-of-the-night ideas so you don’t lose any genius thoughts.

Your Wellness Routine

A healthy writer is a happy writer! That’s why I believe writing and wellness go hand-in-hand. Prioritizing your physical and mental well-being will give you the stamina and clarity needed for sustained creative work.

Exercise Regularly: Even a 20-minute walk can improve your mood and productivity. Exercise helps reduce stress and keeps your energy levels high.

Stay Hydrated and Nourished: Drinking water and eating nutrient-dense foods can boost your focus and creativity. Don’t forget healthy snacks during your writing sessions!

Mental Health Matters: Incorporate activities like meditation, mindfulness, or therapy. Mental well-being is as important as physical health for writers dealing with self-doubt or burnout.

Pro Tip: Schedule breaks during your writing sessions to stretch or breathe deeply—this will prevent fatigue and help you maintain focus.

Your Sunday Reset Routine

If you’ve been following the See Jane Write brand for a while you know that I call my Sunday reset routine “The Sunday Slay” because it helps me slay my week! A Sunday reset routine is a weekly ritual that helps you reflect, recharge, and prepare for the week ahead. For writers, this is your chance to take a breather and organize your upcoming projects.

Review Your Week: Look back at what you accomplished, celebrate your wins, and assess areas where you can improve.

Set Intentions for the Week Ahead: Write down your top priorities for the upcoming week, both in your writing and personal life. Breaking down big tasks into smaller steps will make them more manageable.

Tidy Up Your Space: Clean your writing area and get organized. A clear, clutter-free space can do wonders for your mental clarity and focus.

Pro Tip: Don’t just plan out your work projects and writing sessions. Use Sundays to get ahead by meal-prepping and planning your workouts, too.  This helps you start the week feeling prepared and in control.

Related Reading: How I Plan My Week

Create Your Ideal Week Template

Once you’ve established these routines, the key to making time for them all is creating an Ideal Week template. This template is a visual guide of how you want your week to look, broken down by time blocks dedicated to writing, wellness, and personal tasks. Think of it as a roadmap to your most productive self!

Time Block Your Writing Sessions: Schedule your writing blocks based on your natural energy peaks.

Add Your Routines: Include time for your morning, evening, and wellness routines. Having these in your calendar means they’re non-negotiable.

Stay Flexible: Life happens! Build in some buffer time or flexibility so you don’t feel stressed if things don’t go exactly to plan.

Pro Tip:  Review your Ideal Week template each Sunday during your reset routine to ensure your week is structured for success.

By building these five routines into your daily and weekly schedule, you’ll create a strong foundation for success as a writer. And with an Ideal Week template to guide your days, you’ll have a clear plan that makes time for creativity, self-care, and all the things that matter most.

Do you feel like you’re too busy to establish these routines for life? Let’s talk about it! Schedule your free strategy session so we can chat about your writing goals and everything on your plate. We’ll also discuss my new time management mastery program Transform Your Time, Transform Your Writing. Together we can design the life you deserve!