My alarm sounds at 4 a.m. playing an instrumental version of Beyoncé’s “Yonce.” When my alarm goes off the message on my phone reads “Beyoncé would get up.” Sometimes I set my alarm message to read “Be writeous, babe,” a nod to my old blog. Other times the message simply says, “Write!” But when this alarm sounds I get out of bed and start my morning routine.

Because I teach full-time, write part time and run a blog and business people often ask me how I do all the things that I do. My morning routine is the answer. If you’re struggling to find time to build your blog, finish your book, or launch your freelance writing career, creating a morning routine may help you finally make time for your dreams. 

Why Writers & Bloggers Need a Morning Routine

If you have children, a partner who lives with you, or a 9 to 5 you probably feel as if your mornings are not your own. You may even feel as if no part of your day is your own and that’s exactly why you can’t make the time to write or blog.

But if you wake up an hour earlier than your kids or an hour before you need to start getting ready for work you can devote that time to doing things that will set you up for success for the rest of the day.

Related Reading: How to Get Up Early

How to Create Your Morning Routine

First, realize that your morning routine starts at night. Each night before I go to bed I spend some quality time with my Day Designer writing my to-list for the next day and scheduling when I’m going to do each task. This includes deciding exactly what I’m going to do first thing the next morning. I also choose my outfit for the next day. 

I believe a well-rounded morning routine will include three elements — something for your mind, something for your body, and something for your spirit. 

For your mind, you could work on a blog post, work on your book, work on a freelance article or write in your journal. If your mind is too fuzzy early in the morning and you prefer to write later in the day you could read or listen to your favorite podcast. 

For your body, you could get in a quick workout or do some stretching. Or you could just make sure you eat breakfast and drink some water. 

For your spirit, you could meditate, pray, or read a devotional. 

My Morning Routine 

A few years ago StyleBlueprint Birmingham included me in an article called The Morning Routines of 6 Successful Birmingham Women. I looked back at that article recently and my morning routine is pretty much the same now as it was then.

I wake up at 4 a.m. and I use that time to either work on a blog post, a freelance story, or See Jane Write business. While working I drink at least two glasses of water.

Next, I shower and get dressed. Sometimes while doing my hair I may listen to music or a podcast or watch a business-related or lifestyle video on YouTube.

Then, I eat breakfast and spend some time reading scripture and writing in my prayer journal.

In the interest of full disclosure, allow me to share this: Sometimes when my alarm sounds at 4 a.m. I hit the snooze button. Sometimes I yell, “Boy, bye!” to the universe and reset my alarm for 5 or 5:30 a.m. My point is this — don’t think I’m perfect at this. But most days of the week at 4 a.m. I get up and get to work and I’m always so glad that I did.

Do you need help making time to write or blog? Check out my FREE e-course A Time to Write the Vision: 7-Day Consistency Challenge. This course will help you write a vision and mission statement for your life and your writing career and give you the time management tools you need to make the time to actually make that vision a reality. Sign up here.