Month: November 2017

How to Develop a Writing Ritual

Time management, or the lack thereof, is the #1 problem faced by most of the writers and bloggers of the See Jane Write community and probably the #1 problem faced by writers and bloggers in every community! The other obstacle that many content creators face is writer’s block. I believe I’ve found a simple solution for both: Write every day. You need to develop a writing ritual.

You need a time, a place, and a plan for each of your daily writing sessions.


30 Things I Love Right Now

(1) Working on my selfie game. | (2) @ColorMeCourtney Instagram Stories.| (3) Wearing boots with everything. (4) Jon Bernthal. | (5) Being my husband’s wife. | (6) SOL Dance Experience.  | (7) Wednesday afternoon yoga classes.  | (8) Training for road races. | (9) Feeling like a runner again. | (10) My Tidal subscription.  | (11) My pouch clutch collection. | (12) Teaching 7th graders.  | (13) FINALLY hiring a soclal media manager. | (14) Cantu hair care products. | (15) Writing for StyleBlueprint. | (16) YouVersion Bible reading plans. | (17) My button and lapel pin collection. | (18) Seeing See Jane Write members quit their day jobs to follow their dreams. | (19) Miniature Twix bars.  | (20) Preparing to slay 2018.  | (21) Wicked nail polish by Essie.  | (22) Hot Diggity Dog. | (23) Black Bloggers United meetups. | (24) The Marble Ring.  | (25) Seeing my coaching clients meet their goals. | (26) Being confident that I’ll meet mine, too.  | (27) I’m going to Wrestlemania 34!.  | (28) Being a woman with a plan. | (29) Being a woman with a tribe. | (30) Blogging like crazy!

What do you love right now?

My Holiday Wish List

It’s that time of year when close friends and family start to ask me what I want for Christmas and being a blogger makes it easy for me to answer. I simply write a blog post about my holiday wish list and share the link. So here goes…

FitBit Bracelet

This year I lost 20 pounds and I believe it was my FitBit that helped me accomplish this goal. I am obsessed with tracking my steps. I never want to take off my FitBit, not even when I need to be extra chic for a swanky blogger event. With this gold-plated bracelet, my FitBit will no longer clash with my outfits.


5 Things That Made Me a Happy Feminist This Week

Having a SOL Dance Experience with the ladies of See Jane Write was the highlight of my week.

Being a happy feminist has felt nearly impossible these days, for reasons that are obvious to anyone who keeps up with the news. And as we learn of more and more women who have suffered sexual assault by male politicians and celebrities, what’s almost just as enraging is the “Why is she just now coming forward?” bullshit that so many people — including other women — are saying in response to the allegations.

But the purpose of this post is to add a little happiness to your day, so I’ll step down from my soapbox and share with you 5 things that added a bit of joy to my week.


3 Ways to Build Your Audience


Being consistent on social media is a great way to build your audience.

There is no such thing as an aspiring writer. You don’t need a blog, a book deal, or a freelance gig to be a writer. To be a writer all you have to do is write. But if you want to be a writer who makes an impact and an income, you have to do more. You have to think and act like an entrepreneur. You have to think of personal branding.

Yesterday in my private Facebook group for the See Jane Write Members Collective, a member asked “Would love to hear about your strategy to get your name out there. What do you do daily to get in front of the people you want to work with?”

Great question!

In a Facebook Live for members only, which I do every Wednesday, I answered this question and I want to give you a peek at the tips I offered and share with you the one thing I MUST get better about in 2018.
