For me, this month is all about hitting the reset button. I reset my 2020 goals. I revamped the See Jane Write website. And I’m doing the work to reset my relationship with God.
I’ve also been resetting my 40 Before 40 list.
Back in February when I turned 39 I shared a list of 40 things I want to do before my 40th birthday.
Then COVID-19 ended the world as we knew it.
Shortly after that I learned I would need to undergo chemotherapy. (In case you’re new around here, I was diagnosed with breast cancer in January, but initially told I would only need surgery and radiation for treatment.)
COVID, cancer, and chemo obviously mean that many of my 40 Before 40 plans — like traveling and hosting in-person events — simply can’t happen. And for a while, I was going to just ditch the whole project. But that felt too much like giving up and that’s something I refuse to do.
So here’s my updated 40 Before 40 List.