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Looking Back at 2017

At the start of this year, I declared that “grace” would be my word for 2017.  Many people who know me well were surprised, assuming I’d pick a word like “hustle” instead.

But “grace” was my word for the year because I needed a reminder to be gentle with myself, to give myself a break and others the benefit of the doubt.

Sometimes gumption and grit aren’t enough. Sometimes you need grace.

And as I take a moment to look back at 2017 I need grace, indeed.

I need to be gentle with myself as I face the fact that I didn’t completely accomplish any of my major goals for the year.

I didn’t grow See Jane Write to 500 dues-paying members. I didn’t grow my blog traffic to an average of 100,000 monthly pageviews. I didn’t self-publish a book. I didn’t see my byline in one of my favorite national magazines. I didn’t participate in a women’s small group at church all year. In fact, I barely went to church at all. I didn’t take a real vacation with my husband. I didn’t lose 30 pounds.

But here’s what I did do:


The 2017 #bloglikecrazy All-Stars

I call it #BlogLikeCrazy. Each year, I challenge the readers of See Jane Write to publish a new blog post every day in the month of November.  And I’m so glad that every year several ladies (and gentlemen) join the fun.

Today I salute the #BlogLikeCrazy All-Stars for 2017 — the bloggers who succeeded in giving their readers new content every day in November.


December Is the New January

December is the new January. This is a philosophy I adopted a couple of years ago. Instead of waiting for New Year’s Day to work on my goals for 2018, I’m starting December 1.

It’s this philosophy that prompted me to open enrollment for the See Jane Write Members Collective. I have created a bundle of content, which is essentially a 4-week e-course, designed to help female writers, bloggers, and other content creators, lay the foundation for having a purposeful and profitable platform in 2018. To get access to this content, valued at $497, all you have to do is join the See Jane Write Members Collective. Membership is only $19.99 per month. Apply to join here.

Here are the things I believe you should be doing in December to set yourself up for success in 2018.


How to Manage Your Mindset

When you feel like giving up turn to your tribe to help you manage your mindset.

We are nearing the end of November which means my mind is already on the New Year because if you’ve been following me and my blog for years you know I live by the motto “December is the new January.” Don’t wait until January 1 to work on your 2018 goals. Start now.

Last week I shared 3 things I believe you should do before 2018 to make next year a successful one. I believe you need to get clear on your vision, your worldview, and your goals. But I left out a very important step, perhaps the most important step. And if you don’t do this thing doing the other three won’t matter.

Before 2018 you must learn to manage your mindset. And here’s how I think you can do that.


Melva Tate’s Top 10 Tips for Building Your Speaker Platform

Put in the work. That’s the rule that award-winning coach, speaker, and human resources consultant Melva Tate lives by. And that’s the rule that motivated me to attend one of her talks Tuesday evening, despite the fact that I was exhausted and wanted to sit on the sofa and watch Netflix. And I am SO glad I did!

Melva spoke at an event hosted by the I Am Woman Network and in her presentation offered advice on how to build your platform as a speaker. If you want to be a speaker, Melva is definitely someone you should listen to. She does several speaking engagements a week, most of which she gets paid thousands of dollars to do!

Here are Melva’s top 10 tips for building your speaker platform.
