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See Javacia Coach

What would you do if you weren’t afraid?

Would you quit your day job?

Would you finally start a blog or use the blog you have to build a business?

Would you write a pitch letter to your favorite magazine or a query letter to the agent you dream of representing you?

Would you write and self-publish that book you’ve been carrying in your heart for years?

Or maybe you’ve already written and published a book, but you haven’t had the courage to market your work the way you know that you should.

number 1 goal

I have another question for you: What is your game-changer goal?

Consider all your goals, dreams, and aspirations. Now pick one. What goal – that you could accomplish in 1 year – would have the greatest impact on your personal and professional life?

That’s a game changer goal and that’s the goal I want to help you reach with my goal-oriented coaching program, Goal Diggers.

This personalized coaching program includes the following:

  • Each month, you‘ll get two 30-minute one-on-one consultations with me, See Jane Write founder Javacia Harris Bowser. (One-on-one sessions will take place virtually via Zoom.)
  • You’ll get a weekly check-in via email and additional guidance and advice via email as needed.
  • You can get feedback on your writing.

INVESTMENT:  $250/month (We can work together for 3, 6, 9, or 12 months.)


If I were to guess the top questions or objections you have about signing up for this goal-oriented coaching program, here’s what I think they would be:

How do I know if this program is right for me?

Maybe it’s not. Or maybe it’s exactly what you need.

I don’t believe you can truly know until we talk. I offer a complimentary 30-minute strategy session for any woman interested in this program.


My coaching program is for women who are self-motivated, goal-oriented, and serious about moving to the next level in writing, blogging or business.

What if I want to work on several goals?

You can do it all, but not all at once. I want you to focus on one major goal. Choose a goal that would have the biggest impact on your life and that would actually make it easier for you to accomplish other goals on your list, but choose a goal that you could reasonably accomplish in a year. We will inevitably work on smaller, related goals along the way, but always with our eyes on the main prize. You can later apply the things you learn during our time together to accomplish your other major goals.

What if I don’t achieve my goal?

If you don’t achieve your goal we will first celebrate all the smaller goals you achieved along the way. Then we will have an additional one-on-one session (at no charge) to figure out why you didn’t achieve the goal and develop a new plan for you to follow to finally bring that dream to fruition.

What if I don’t have the time to do this?

successful people

One of the first things we’ll do once you join my coaching program is to develop a personalized time management plan for you. And as I give you small tasks and assignments to complete to help you achieve your 1-year game changer goal, we will schedule specific days and times for you to work on these tasks.

What if I can’t afford this?

In August of 2014, I decided that I truly wanted to transition from lady blogger to boss lady, so to speak. I wanted to turn my blog into a business. In February of 2015, I was selected as one of the city’s Top 40 Under 40 by the Birmingham Business Journal. To make that happen I had to get serious about growing my business and growing myself as an entrepreneur. Getting serious meant investing – investing in a better website, investing in systems to help run my business, and investing in training. The first time I signed up for an 8-week online business course I hesitated, thought it over for weeks. The cost for the course was set at premium pricing. But then I remembered how that spring I’d purchased obscenely expensive concert tickets (yes, I’m a Beyoncé fan) without a second thought. And so I asked myself, was that concert more important than my future as an entrepreneur? The first time I paid for a one-on-one session with a business coach I was leery about that, too. Then I recalled how I’d spent over $1,000 to attend a blogging conference across the country that I really enjoyed but, frankly, at this point in my blogging career, really just reminded me of things I already knew. It was time to step it up.

So is it time for you to step it up, too?

Are you willing to invest in yourself and your future?

Now I would never suggest you max out your credit card to sign up for training – finance charges are real and of the devil, which is why my coaching program truly is one of the most affordable, yet most personalized programs you’ll find.

What if I change my mind?

Because my coaching program features highly personalized services there are no refunds. However, during the program, I will check in with you regularly to ensure that you are happy and satisfied with the process. Also, before you sign on we will have a 30-minute strategy session to make sure that this is actually the right program for you.


a goal without a plan


Perhaps you’re hesitant to sign up for my coaching program simply because you aren’t confident you’ll actually achieve your game changer goal. You may be thinking of that lofty aspiration of yours and staring in the mirror asking, “Just who do you think you are?!”

If I can take a moment to be transparent, I had the same thought the first time I offered a coaching program. I looked in the mirror and thought “Who do you think you are? Why should someone make such an investment to work with you? Why should anyone trust you to help them bring their dreams to fruition?

Then the Wonder Woman within answered: “Why shouldn’t they?!”

I’ve been dedicated to helping women writers, bloggers, and creative entrepreneurs accomplish their goals since I started See Jane Write in 2011.

See Jane Write began with just about a dozen women at a restaurant discussing what they’d want from a writing group and now is a network of hundreds of women – a network that has allowed me to grow an award-winning business, be featured in local and national media outlets and garner paid freelance writing opportunities I once only dreamt about.

bbj ceremony
In 2015 I was selected as one of the city’s Top 40 Under 40 by the Birmingham Business Journal.

In 2015 I was selected as one of the city’s Top 40 Under 40 by the Birmingham Business Journal. In 2016 I was honored by Alabama Media Group in their Women Who Shape the State program. That same year I was also included in Southern Living magazine’s list of Innovators Changing the South alongside household names like Dolly Parton and Reese Witherspoon. In 2018 I was TEDxBirmingham speaker. And was been selected by The Write Life as one of the 100 Best Websites for Writers in 2017, 2018, and 2019.

In 2020, I won Best Magazine Column from the Alabama Press Association for my Birmingham Magazine column.

In 2022, I was awarded a fellowship from the Alabama State Council on the Arts that I used to independently publish my book Find Your Way Back — which went on to win awards in 2023 from Alabama Media Professionals and National Federation of Press Women.

But I know that none of that matters if the women of See Jane Write aren’t happy with the programs and services I provide. But thank God they are!

What Clients Are Saying

“I signed up for the goal digger coaching program because my first poetry collection, Mend, was forthcoming. I had a goal of selling 500 copies of the book by the end of November 2018, but I needed help developing a plan to make that happen. During the time that we worked together, Javacia tailored a plan for a successful pre-book launch, helped with the planning and execution of my book release party and a long-term promotion plan for the book. During the time I worked with Javacia exceeded my goal and sold over 500 copies of Mend. That number is huge for a small press given the amount of time.  Share your biggest, craziest dreams with Javacia — the ones you’re afraid to say out loud. One of my big crazy dreams was to share Mend on NPR and Javacia helped make it happen! Like any great coach, Javacia will challenge you out of your comfort zone. She will leave you with a larger capacity for imagining your own possibilities.” — Kwoya Fagin Maples, author of Mend


“Working with Javacia as my coach was a major game changer in my business. She has a way of making huge, daunting tasks seem totally doable. She taught me to take small, intentional steps each day to reach my business goals. She helped me plan my first food photography workshop which was successful beyond my wildest dreams! She guided me each step of the way including how to communicate with vendors, how to market my event to potential attendees, and showed me how to create a calendar of weekly tasks to be fully prepared for the big day. Once I started diving deeper into my passion, I knew I wanted to go full time with Spiffy Eats and leave my retail job. Javacia helped me create a practical plan to make this a reality. I can now proudly say that since December 2017 I have been a full-time boss babe and I am happier in my work life than I’ve ever been. I am writing my first e-course, teaching one-on-one food photography lessons, and doing freelance photography for huge brands. I’m living my dream! I am so grateful for my time with Javacia as my coach and cannot recommend her highly enough. If you’re ready to take your writing & business dreams to the next level, work with her. It will change your life!” – Jessica Furniss of


“Javacia has been my personal writing coach for two coaching cycles.  When I first began, I only thought that I wanted to launch a blog to promote my new editing business.  I did that and more. I launched two blogs, I wrote half a book, completed five editing projects for my business, gained a squad of people who are writing their way to their dreams, presented a webinar, and I am a nominee for a state award. The most important lessons that I learned from her coaching: prioritizing, time management, and applying the confidence to just do it.  I am so grateful for all of my accomplishments that included more family time and self-care.  Sending that email to Javacia to find out how to be her client has been one of the most impactful, life-changing decisions I have ever made.”

— Harriette Thompkins of Eagles Mount Editing & Intentional Leaders K12


“I knew I could write a book, I just had no idea where to start. I knew I needed someone to illuminate those first few steps down the path for me. And that’s exactly what I got!

Coaching gave me so much clarity about how this book needed to come together. And the accountability of weekly check-ins helped me stay on track to my goals.

I’m incredibly grateful to you, Javacia, for everything you’ve done to help make my dream book become a reality.”

— Melissa Scott, author of White Girl in Yoga Pants


“I signed up for the Goal Digger coaching program because Javacia has a wealth of knowledge in writing, event planning, and owning a business.

During one of our sessions, Javacia took the time to help me sort out all of my business ideas.

As a result, I started my business Career Jam Coaching a few weeks later. At the end of the program, I had plenty of resources and content to successfully launch my business and a plan to make my business sustainable.” 

— Kymmie Cartledge of Career Jam


If you’re doubting yourself because you’ve failed to reach your game changer goal in the past, stop! If you’re a hardworking woman – and I’m sure that you are – most likely you didn’t achieve your goal in the past because you didn’t have a clear, concrete plan or you didn’t have support. My coaching program will provide you with both.

Javacia-683x1024So are you ready? Are you ready to see your career take flight? Are you ready to achieve that game-changer goal that will take you to the next level in business, blogging, or writing? If you are, let’s chat!



Javacia Harris Bowser

Founder & Editor, See Jane Write

It’s Almost Time to Write and Blog Like Crazy!

Every November I challenge See Jane Write readers and members who blog to publish a new blog post every day for 30 days. I call this challenge #bloglikcrazy. I give participants encouragement along the way by sharing blogging tips and post ideas and if you use the #bloglikecrazy hashtag when you share your posts on social media I’ll help promote your posts, too.

To be honest, I originally started #bloglikecrazy because November can be a lonely time for non-fiction writers. National Novel Writing Month (or NaNoWriMo) is also in November, which means all my fiction writer friends are busy trying to write a 50,000-word novel in a month and no one can come out to play! So, I decided to create a writing challenge for non-fiction writers who blog.

But this year I want to make sure I’m supporting See Jane Write readers and members who are taking on the NaNoWriMo challenge, too. So this month I’m hosting two events — one for my blogger babes and one for my lady writers — to help you prepare for all the writing and blogging we’ll be doing in November.


How to Accomplish Your 4th Quarter Goals

October is here. We’re in the final quarter of the year. And as a college football fan, I love a good 4th quarter win. But this month if you see me strutting around holding four fingers in the air it might not be for the Alabama Crimson Tide, but for the ladies of See Jane Write — and for myself. I am declaring that this quarter is ours.


How to Make the Most of the Day Designer

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Before I started writing for StyleBlueprint Birmingham I was interviewed by the publication for its FACES of Birmingham feature. There’s one question that’s asked of every woman profiled for this feature: What are 3 things you can’t live without?

My answer? Beyonce, Essie nail polish and my Day Designer.

The Day Designer is a planner by Whitney English and it’s the answer to another question I’m often asked — How do you do it all? If you’ve ever wondered how I teach full-time, write part-time, run See Jane Write, exercise most days of the week and still find time to hang out with family and friends you should know that the Day Designer is my secret weapon.

The Day Designer’s January 2019 Flagship Daily Planners go on sale today. If you’re someone who still loves writing down to-do lists and planning your months, weeks, and days on paper then the Day Designer is for you.

Here are a few tips on how to get the most out of your Day Designer.
