Social Media

How to Not Freak Out About the New Instagram Changes

instagram changes

It’s official. Starting tomorrow Instagram is changing its platform and using an algorithm that will affect what appears in your feed. Instead of the latest 150 posts showing up chronologically as they have in the past, images and media will appear in your feed based on “the likelihood you’ll be interested in the content, your relationship with the person posting and the timeliness of the post,” according to Instagram. Yes, this sounds a lot like Facebook and yes, you should have expected this since Facebook owns Instagram, but no, this doesn’t mean you should give up on Instagram.

As I’ve been known to say — don’t get bitter, get better.

This change will not only affect what you see in your feed, it also affects how likely your followers are to see your content. This is huge if you’re trying to use Instagram to build a personal brand or to promote your blog, book or business.

For years I used Instagram just for fun, but back in October I started an account for my personal brand and business — @seejavaciawrite — and started posting occasionally. But I will be honest with you, I’m worried I’ve done too little, too late.

But instead of throwing a virtual temper tantrum and organizing a protest and petition against Instagram, I’m going to get my feed in “formation.” Here’s how you can do the same…


Periscope 101


This summer my husband threatened to toss my iPhone and iPad in the trash. Every five minutes they both kept making an annoying whistling sound. Well, the sound was annoying to him. For me, the sound sparked a rush of excitement because it meant that someone I followed on Periscope was starting a broadcast!


5 Women Writers You Should Follow On Instagram

Many of the women writers I know say Instagram is not their jam. They think it’s only useful for fashion bloggers or for people who want to pretend their lives are more fabulous than they actually are. But Instagram can be a great place for writers to share ideas, show off their work, collaborate with other writers, and get inspiration. So go on and start that Instagram account, and here are five women writers you should follow on Instagram once you’ve joined the party.


G.G. Renee is the writer behind the blog All the Many Layers. In addition to her own writing she also creates books and courses to help other women “embrace their layers + writer from the heart.” Her Instagram account shows snippets of her writing and her many layers.




Nikki Woods is a senior producer for the Tom Joyner Morning Show, a best selling author, and a coach for writers and entrepreneurs. Her Instagram account often offers writing and publishing tips, advice on how to get attention from the media, and inspiration to get you through the day.



Tyece Wilkins is the author of the blog Twenties Unscripted and a book by the same name that was released this summer. Her Instagram account, as well as her book and blog, is all about exploring womanhood, relishing in life as a writer, and navigating relationships. Check out my interview with Tyece to learn more.



Published author Samantha King is proof that Instagram isn’t just for style bloggers. She has more than 57,000 followers and mostly posts snippets of her writing, snippets that are sure to inspire you on days you’re struggling with writer’s block.


And last but not least… ME!


I recently started an Instagram account — @seejavaciawriter — specifically for providing inspiration and encouragement to women writers. You can also follow my personal Instagram account @writeousbabe.



Who are you favorite writers and bloggers of Instagram?