Dreams & Goals

How to Change Your Life

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God doesn’t speak to me — at least not in the way I’d prefer. According to the Bible (and Father Lantom on Daredevil), God speaks in whispers. But the world is too loud. I need that burning bush kind of communication.

Over the past couple of weeks, however, I’ve been getting little messages here, there and everywhere that I believe may be divine.


3 Types of Goals Every Writer Should Have

After being burned out with blogging I’ve restored my passion for it with the #bloglikecrazy challenge. This month as I’ve worked to publish 30 posts in 30 days I’ve focused not on the business side of blogging but on simply having fun.

But let’s face facts: See Jane Write is a business and I can’t ignore that. So I’m going to have occasionally write strategic blog posts meant to build my business. I’m faced with a question I’ve wrestled with for years: How can we writers be both artists and entrepreneurs?

I think I’ve found the answer.


What’s your future writing bio?

Back in September, I challenged the women of the See Jane Write Collective to write their future writing bio, the bio that they would want someone to read before they took the stage to speak at their favorite conference. This was my attempt to get them to “write the vision and make it plain.” This future bio, I’d hoped, would give them a clear picture of what they wanted and where they were going, so then they could focus on figuring out how to get there.
