
The Power of Batch Producing Content

The key to staying consistent is staying ahead. That’s my go-to tip for anyone struggling with consistent content creation.

If you’re like most of us trying to juggle a million things while keeping your online presence fresh and engaging, you know how challenging it can be to consistently create content. Whether it’s for your social media, blog, or newsletter, the process can feel never-ending. But here’s a little secret that can save you time, reduce stress, and keep the creativity flowing: batch producing content.

This, my friend, is how you stay ahead!


4 Things to Know About Building Your Personal Brand

Building a personal brand is one of the most important things you can do for your writing career. Don’t get me wrong – it is NOT the most important thing. Nothing is more important than just sitting down and DOING THE WORK. Writers write. Period.

But if you want people to read your writing, building your personal brand is a good way to make that happen.

Here are 5 things you should know about building your personal brand.


Personal Branding Tips for Freelance Writers

I have a confession: There was a time when I was a hater.

The world of journalism has changed. Many of the people who are getting opportunities to write essays and even regular columns for publications and being asked to cover events for media outlets are not trained journalists; they’re influencers. 

As someone with two journalism degrees and 20 years of journalism experience, this trend used to make me angry. But then I decided that if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. I decided to consider how I could use my own “influence” to get gigs. 

I decided to build my brand. And it worked!


Kristin Farmer of Curly Contessa reminds us that our story is our superpower

Kristin Farmer, Founder of Curly Contessa

This post is sponsored by Curly Contessa. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

“Write like a boss” is one of my many mantras. Simply put, it means that we writers must think – and act – like business owners if we want to ditch the starving artist cliché and be well-fed writers.

This is why for inspiration I often turn to female entrepreneurs, female entrepreneurs like Kristin Farmer.

Kristin is the artist and creative mastermind behind Curly Contessa, a home goods and giftware line that celebrates the beauty of Black women.
