
Girl, Stop Procrastinating!

Last month I read Rachel Hollis’ new book Girl, Stop Apologizing and it has me ready to write a book of my own — Girl, Stop Procrastinating!

Girl, if you really want to be a writer you have to write! You can’t just think about writing. You can’t just talk about writing. You can’t just post quotes about writing on social media. YOU MUST WRITE.


How to Make Time to Write and Blog

When it comes to the question of how to make time to write and blog I’ve realized I’ve been too easy on you.

Until now, I’ve simply challenged you to write every day, even if it’s just one page or even just one line. And I still think that’s a fine way to start your writing or blogging journey. But eventually the time comes when we have to put our big girl panties on and do more.

That time is now.


How Writing Challenges Can Boost Your Writing Confidence, Commitment, and Creativity

April 8-28 See Jane Write will host a FREE 21-day writing challenge that I’m calling The Write Start. I believe it is my calling to help women writers and bloggers take the first step they need to take to get to the level they want to reach. The challenge is designed to help women develop a daily writing ritual and build the confidence, commitment, and creativity they need to get serious about writing, blogging or building a platform.

You can sign up at

Here’s how the challenge will work: Each morning you’ll receive an email from me that will contain a brief lesson and a writing prompt. The Write Start challenge also includes weekly live virtual group coaching sessions, one virtual write-in, and one virtual critique session.

The challenge will get you writing every day for 21 days in hopes of making daily writing a habit.

But you may be straining your eye-rolling muscles right now. You may be thinking, “Not another writing challenge! Aren’t writing challenges just a waste of time? Aren’t they just busy work?”

Obviously, I don’t think so, but you don’t have to just take my word for it. I recently asked the women of the See Jane Write Network Facebook group if any of them had good experiences with writing challenges that they’d be willing to share. The response I got was overwhelming.


Writing My Way to the Life of My Dreams

Last month I had a difficult time blogging consistently but not for any of the reasons you may think. I hadn’t run out of ideas for blog posts. And I didn’t feel too busy to blog either. No, I didn’t lack the inspiration or the time, but I did lack the intention. 

I was no longer clear on why I was blogging. Sure, I know all the business-related reasons to blog. I know blogging can help you establish yourself as an expert, increase your visibility and build your know/like/trust factor. But I needed a reason beyond that. 


How to Rebrand Your Blog in Style

Megan LaRussa Chenoweth and I

If you’re like me the new year has you in the mood for all new everything and you may be wondering if it’s time for you to rebrand your blog. I’ve honestly been wondering the same thing about See Jane Write.

While thinking this over I decided to revisit an interview I did back in 2015 with style coach Megan LaRussa Chenoweth when she rebranded her blog and business. For years, Megan has been my brand and business role model and she’s the prototype of how women can transition from lady blogger to boss lady.
