
It’s Time to #bloglikecrazy

javacia #bloglikecrazy

Ladies of See Jane Write, it’s almost time to #bloglikecrazy.

Every year I challenge the women of See Jane Write to publish new blog posts every day for 30 days in the month of November.

Yeah, I know that sounds crazy. But that’s why it’s called Blog Like Crazy!

Throughout the month, share your posts on Twitter using the hashtag #bloglikecrazy and in the See Jane Write Facebook group. Do this and I’ll read, comment on, and help promote as many of your posts as I can.

If you’ve been stuck in a blogging rut, #bloglikecrazy could be the cure to your writer’s block. If you’ve been wanting to start a blog but you’ve kept putting it off, #bloglikecrazy could be the motivation you’ve been looking for to end your posting procrastination.

I’ll even give you writing prompts to keep you from running out of post ideas.

But don’t take my word for it. Here’s what See Jane Write member and fitness blogger Tanya Sylvan had to say about #bloglikecrazy:

I had thought about blogging but had many hesitations: Would I have enough to write about? Would anyone listen? Would I want to keep blogging? #bloglikecrazy was the perfect opportunity for me to test the waters. Before and during the entire month of November, Javacia and the other ladies were nothing but encouraging and loving and helpful. The prompts took away the fear of not having anything to write. And after blogging for a month, it felt natural and I found my voice. I owe all my All In Stride craziness to Javacia!

If you need help getting started, join us at the #blogikecrazy kick-off workshop 1 to 5 p.m. on Saturday, November 1 at Church Street Coffee and Books, 81 Church Street in Mountain Brook.

Now let’s get ready to #bloglikecrazy!

Ask Jane

Ask Jane

November is just around the corner and soon it will be time for #BlogLikeCrazy!

For those of you who are new to See Jane Write, for #BlogLikeCrazy I challenge the women of See Jane Write to publish a new blog post every day in the month of November.

Typically, I post on my personal blog,, for #BlogLikeCrazy, but this year I’m doing something a bit different.

This year I’m going to post her to  the See Jane Write blog and each post will be an answer to your questions. I’m calling this special series of posts “Ask Jane.”

So help me collect 30 questions to which I will respond in November during #BlogLikeCrazy. I’ll answer questions about blogging, freelance writing, social media, or the future of See Jane Write. I’ll even answer questions about myself and the writing life.  Leave your questions in the comments of this post or email them to

I can’t wait to read your questions!


Does Your Website Need a Makeover?

Extreme Makeover
Extreme Makeover Blog Edition (Image by Patrishe via Flickr/Creative Commons)

Did you notice?

Jane got a makeover!

That’s right, has a new look! I hope you like it. Take a look around and let me know what you think.

Have you been wondering if it’s time for you to give your website or blog a makeover? Here’s how I knew it was time to revamp this website:

Are you bored? If you feel unmotivated and stuck in a blogging rut, revamping your site could give you the push you need to get back in the groove of posting regularly. Now that Jane has a new look, I’ll be updated the See Jane Write blog twice a week — every Tuesday and Thursday.

Does your website reflect your brand? People often refer to See Jane Write as a blog, but it is meant to be so much more. See Jane Write is a network and it’s a business. Our website needs to reflect that. Thus I moved from Blogger to WordPress so it would have a more professional look. Also, now has a static homepage and the blog is just a component of the site. And since a business’ list of contacts is one of its most important assets, the e-mail list signup form is one of the site’s most prominent features. I’m currently working on revamping as well so that it will look more like a magazine than a blog and I’m hoping the new look will give me new inspiration.

Has the mission of your blog or business changed? This year I decided that See Jane Write will not only seek to serve women writers, but female entrepreneurs, too. A new look is a great way to signify this new focus.

Redesigning a website can be very expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. While I did spend a pretty penny on on getting help with the move from Blogger to WordPress, I only spent $79 on the design. I simply purchased a theme from Blu Chic , which specializes in WordPress themes for female entrepreneurs, and then I customized it.

Next, I plan to embark on a social media makeover. And then, I’m giving myself a makeover, too! Stay tuned!


Belk Fall Fashion Preview for Style Bloggers

Last month I had the opportunity to join several local style bloggers at a fall fashion preview event hosted by Arlene Goldstein of Belk. Goldstein, vice president of trend merchandising and fashion direction at Belk, was there to help us “find our fabulous,” which was the theme of the evening. She told us all about Belk’s style statements for the upcoming season and how best to rock these looks. The evening also gave me the chance to chat with a few Birmingham bloggers about their favorite fall fashion trends. 

If you’re a style blogger, here are three looks that should be on your radar for fall: 

Complex Simplicity 

This look is all about new proportions and shape shifts, Goldstein said. From oversized and boxy silhouettes to exaggerated sleeves and new age layering, this is an ultra modern look. Playing with textures is key while extreme coatings, metallic finishes, trapunto stitches, and new knits will ensure that your look is far from ordinary. Goldstein recommends sharpening this look with edgy accents, including statement jewelry in architectural shapes, structured handbags, sleek ankle boots, and the always-chic over-the-knee boots. 


5 Reasons You Should Attend WordCamp Birmingham


Jane needs a makeover.

In the next month or so is getting a major redesign. Part of this website overhaul will include changing platforms: I’ll be moving See Jane Write from Blogger to WordPress.

For years I was fiercely loyal to Blogger. And even though last year I launched See Jane Write Magazine using and my portfolio website,, using, I still had a soft spot for Blogger. I couldn’t help it. It’s so easy to use and it’s the platform with which I started my very first blog.

Then I attended WordCamp.

WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences that cover various topics related to WordPress, the free and open source publishing software that powers over 75 million websites.

At last year’s WordCamp Birmingham, Sara Cannon — one of the event’s organizers and speakers — said something that was music to my ears: “You can do anything with WordPress.”

I was sold.

I have big plans for See Jane Write and most of those plans will rely on having an amazing website. And so I’m making the move.

This year’s WordCamp Birmingham is set for Saturday, August 16. I’ll be there, of course, and I would love to see some See Jane Write readers there too.

So I’m here to convince you to join me. This isn’t a sponsored post — WordCamp is paying me to sway you. I just really believe that whether you run your blog on WordPress or not, you could learn a lot from this event. (And you’ll get a cool t-shirt.)
