
The See Jane Write Roundtable

sjw roundtable
Original Image by mcveja via Flickr/Creative Commons
I’m always brainstorming ways I can help the women of See Jane Write and recently a new idea came to me — the See Jane Write Roundtable.

The See Jane Write Roundtable will be a series of small group discussions on topics related to blogging, writing, or entrepreneurship and is an inexpensive alternative for those who need some one-on-one help, but can’t afford Java with Javacia consultations or Blogging Boot Camp.

The cost of these sessions is only $25, which is just to help cover the cost of the venue.

The first See Jane Write Roundtable will be held Tuesday, April 21 at 5:30 p.m. at Revelator Coffee Company. We’ll have the whole place to ourselves!

The topic: What is your biggest frustration regarding blogging, writing, or entrepreneurship?

My hope is that you will leave with an action plan to help you overcome that obstacle once and for all.

Roundtable discussions are great because they are meant to be a collaborative effort. Yes, I’ll be there facilitating the discussion and adding my insight, but with a roundtable discussion there is intentionally no head of the table. Everyone will contribute which means you’ll have a variety of perspectives from which to learn and glean wisdom and information.

Only 10 spots are available so get your tickets today by following the link below:

See Jane Write Roundtable
5:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 21
Revelator Coffee Company
1826 3rd Ave N Unit 101, Birmingham, AL 35203

Let’s Take Flight Together


Do you dream of seeing your byline in your favorite publications?

Do you have an idea for a blog or business, but you’re not quite sure where to start?

Maybe you already have a blog or brand, but it’s not getting the attention you feel it deserves.

Or perhaps you’ve written a book but you just can’t seem to sell it.

If any of these sound familiar, I’d like to help you get unstuck and soar. Let’s take flight together!

As founder of See Jane Write, I used very simple but very powerful strategies to grow a small writing group into a network of hundreds of women. And this network has helped me start an award-winning business and land the paid writing opportunities I once only dreamed about. You can use these same strategies to build buzz for your blog, book, brand, or business.

I want to share these strategies with you and answer any other questions you may have about writing, blogging, or business

For the next seven days I will be taking appointments for 11 one-on-one coaching sessions.


I’m calling this my 7/11 special. No, you can’t come to me and fill a pot with your favorite flavor of Slurpee (I’m sure y’all have heard about this on the Internet), but I can fill your mind with what you need to take your next step.

If you would like to meet face-to-face for hands-on help, you can get a one-hour session for only $99 (usually $125). If meeting in person is a challenge, we can chat via Skype. This one-hour session will only cost $75 (usually $100).

This offer ends April 18. (We can meet anytime, you just need to purchase the session by April 18.)

Here’s what one of my clients had to say after we spent an hour chatting at her favorite Starbucks:

My one-on-one session with Javacia was more than I expected. She not only listened to my goals and aspirations, she provided me with practical next steps to help me accomplish each. She was friendly, yet very professional. I left with an ambitious to do list which is now my roadmap. She followed up, as promised, with websites, worksheets, and tons of information to help advance my dreams to write, get published, and speak professionally. I now consider her my writing mentor.

— TiJuana W.

You see, after we meet I’m not going to check your name off my to-do list and forget about you. I’m going to follow up with information and inspiration to keep moving your closer and closer to achieving your goals. 

If you know you need guidance, but you’re not sure this is right for you, simply email me at with any questions you may have.

If you’re ready to fly click here for a face-to-face session or here for a Skype chat and then email me at for next steps.

Let’s do this!

Exciting News for Style Bloggers and Aspiring Fashionistas

Megan LaRussa Chenoweth

With the weather getting warmer I have spring fashion trends on my mind and chances are so do you. Do you wish you had more confidence when browsing through stores, attending events, or just in your day-to-day life? Or maybe you just wish that you had a big “Easy Button” that you could hit when it comes to getting dressed every day and feeling your best?

Check out style coach Megan LaRussa’s FREE video series guaranteed to help you feel effortlessly chic in no time flat! And stay tuned, as she is revealing her exciting new project soon that is sure to benefit YOU!

If you attended last year’s Bloganista Mini-Con you heard Megan give us all great tips on how to be stylish bloggers and savvy businesswomen. Now here’s your chance to get tips from Megan on how to make your wardrobe look as good as your website.

Get access to Megan’s FREE video series at

Gus Mayer Girls Night Out

Gus Mayer GNO Social Share

Gus Mayer’s Girls Night Out is Thursday, April 9 from 4 to 8 p.m. This year’s event is celebrating StyleBlueprint’s Faces of Birmingham and the spring’s hottest fashion trends. Enjoy cocktails, hors d’oeuvres,and TAX FREE shopping. While you’re there check out Gus Mayer’s Trend Bar for spring fashions and Gus Mayer’s Color Lab for beauty tips. Fashionable prizes will be given away throughout the night, so come early to shop and stay late to win!

Get Your Press Pass to Birmingham Fashion Week

bfw logo
Birmingham Fashion Week is about a month away and press registration is now open. If you would like the opportunity to join the BFW 2015 press team, you can apply for a press pass here. The application will close on Friday, April 24.
Event Details: 
What: Birmingham Fashion Week 2015
When: May 7, 8 & 9
Where: Pepper Place located in downtown Birmingham, Alabama


Do you have news you would like included in our Jane About Town feature? Send details to



The Results Are In!

Image by League of Women Voters via Flickr/Creative Commons

Earlier this month I created a two-question survey and offered a pretty sweet incentive to complete it: Those who completed the survey would have a chance at winning free admission to See Jane Write events held February – December 2015 (excluding events for members only).

And the winner is….

Emily G. 

Congratulations, Emily!

And thanks to all of you who completed the survey.

The results revealed three things — 1) you all love live events 2) you all are ready to blog like a boss and 3) you’re having trouble finding time to make your writing dreams come true.

Live educational vents will continue to be the bread and butter of See Jane Write. Future events will offer information on how to monetize blogging properly use business tools like MailChimp, PayPal, etc. In fact, I’ve decided that the theme for this year’s Bloganista Mini-Conference will be Blog Like a Boss!

how to write and have a life

As for time management — I’ve got you covered there, too. My e-course How to Write and Have a Life is all about how to make time for your dreams. Over the course of a dozen lessons you will learn how to set goals that will help you better manage your time, how to get rid of bad habits that are wasting your time, how to adopt healthy habits that will make you more peaceful and productive, how to rekindle your romance for your blog, how to write more, read more, and stress less, how exercise can make you a better writer, and how to give yourself a break. Enroll today!

The #bloglikecrazy All-Stars

Each November I challenge the women of See Jane Write to #bloglikecrazy, to publish a new blog post every day for a month.

Today I’d like to take a moment to salute the women who stuck with it and gave their readers 30 posts in 30 days.

JenJennifer Dome King of Stellar Fashion & Fitness

As you might have guessed from the title, Jennifer’s blog is about fashion and fitness but is also about so much more. Jennifer says she wants her blog to motivate her readers to “become stellar people.” Whether you’re trying to become more physically fit or learn how to dress in a way that truly expresses your personality, Stellar Fashion & Fitness needs to be in your blog roll.


Irene Latham of Live Your Poem

Irene Latham is a poet and novelist whose blog Live Your Poem encourages readers to do just that. How can you live your poem? “Cultivate a secret life,”  Irene urges. “Take the road not taken,” Irene challenges. And “when the time comes, let it go, let it go,” she says. For musings on books, writing, and living a life worth writing about, you need to read Live Your Poem.

LLG home

Leslie Golden of The Books That Follow You Home

For some people books may just be words on a page. But to Leslie Golden books are magic and that’s what her blog is all about. Leslie’s blog is about books “that follow you home,” books whose stories and characters become a part of you.  Leslie blogs about all types of books —  fiction or non-fiction, classic, modern or indifferent, genre specific or fusion — “as long as they’re good. Good enough to be thought about, good enough to be re-read, good enough to be shared.” If you love good books, Leslie’s website will become the blog that follows you home.


I also want to give a shout out to Edward T. Bowser of Soul In Stereo. Since he’s my better half, Edd is basically an honorary member of See Jane Write. Every year the hubster blogs like crazy with me and my Janes on his music blog Soul In Stereo. Edd has an encyclopedic knowledge of pop culture and one of the reason his blog has become so popular through the years is the fact that he never pulls any punches. If you want honest rants and reviews of hip-hop, R&B and even current events, you need to check out Soul In Stereo.

Thank you all for blogging like crazy with me this year!