
Help Me Write My FAQ Page


A Frequently Asked Questions, or FAQ, page is something many bloggers overlook when putting together their sites — yours truly included. So I’m putting together an FAQ page for this site and I’d love your help.

An FAQ page is a great way to quickly orient new readers to your blog and to help them find the information they’re most likely seeking on your site. An FAQ page can also save you time as it will keep you from answering the same questions over and over via email.

If you’re not sure which questions you should include on your page start by just sitting down and thinking of the questions you’re, well, frequently asked! You could also host a Q&A on your blog, in your Facebook group, on Periscope, or in a webinar.

As I put together the See Jane Write FAQ page, I want your input. Leave your questions about See Jane Write, blogging, and writing in the comments.

Feel free to also leave a link to your FAQ page. I’d love to see it!

7 Ways to U.P.G.R.A.D.E. Your Blog

beyonce upgrade u
Image by Nat Ch Villa via Flickr Creative Commons

If you’ve had a conversation with me that lasted longer than 10 minutes, I probably in the course of our discussion brought up Beyonce.

Yes, I’m a bit of a stan and proud member of the BeyHive. I even have a ritual of listening to her music every Friday.

Ironically, I don’t listen to Queen Bey to get pumped up to party. I listen to her to get motivated to work. The weekend is my time to turn my attention to building my blog and my business and songs always make me feel like a boss.

One of my favorite tracks to listen to is “Upgrade U” and this song has been playing in my head on repeat lately as I consider all the ways I plan to upgrade my blog for 2016. Here’s how you can do the same.


On Blogging, Business, and Running in the Rain

run in the rain

I woke up Monday morning determined to get in a 2-mile run before the end of the day. Rainy days and a busy schedule had kept me from pounding the pavement for a few days and I’m trying to get back into the groove of running so I can register for a few big races next year.

The elements were against me. Thanks to the end of Daylight Savings Time I knew it’d be pitch black before 6 p.m. and because of a little run-in a sports car had with my rear end back in 2008, I’m terrified of running at night. But I left work on time (I’m a teacher and can technically leave at 3:06 p.m. but rarely ever do) and made it home and changed into my running gear before 4 p.m.

But there was another problem. Those same clouds that had been raining on my parade for the past few days were threatening to do so again. I considered putting on one of my favorite fitness DVDs and giving up on my run but something inside rebelled against that idea.

So I headed out the door.
