I’m sure your email inbox is overflowing with Black Friday deals.
But I want to give you a few things for FREE to show how much I’m grateful for your support of See Jane Write.
I’m sure your email inbox is overflowing with Black Friday deals.
But I want to give you a few things for FREE to show how much I’m grateful for your support of See Jane Write.
Every website needs a Frequently Asked Questions page. An FAQ page will keep you from answering the same questions over and over and can be a great place to get new blog readers oriented.
Today I want to share answers to some of the questions I’m often asked and give you the opportunity to ask more. Next month I plan to use this post and any questions you leave in the comments to create an FAQ page for SeeJaneWrite.net.
Sometimes the Universe speaks to us through blog posts.
The other day I read a post titled “Women At War With Their Bodies and How It’s Impacting Their Businesses” on the Boss Babe blog and I felt like the author, Wendy Porter of Crowned for Success, had read my mind and was spilling all my secrets. (more…)
The theme of this year’s Blogalicious Weekend, which I attended earlier this month, was “Content is Life.”
To be honest, even though I thought the theme was catchy I wasn’t quite sure what it meant. Yes, we all know that if you’re a blogger producing great content (and getting that content in front of the right people) is the key to success, but could this theme mean something deeper?
Don’t hate me, but I have an idea for yet another challenge for the women of See Jane Write.
This month I’m challenging you to #bloglikecrazy, to publish a new blog post every day for 30 days. But one month soon I’m going to challenge you to #pitchlikecrazy.
You can blame Roni Faida Clark of RoniTheTravelGuru.com. This weekend at the 8th annual Blogalicious conference Roni led a value-packed workshop called “How to Pitch Like a Pro” at which she gave 10 tips for pitching to brands.