Are you committed to your success or just interested?

Are you committed to your success or just interested?

I came across this question this weekend while reading Girl with a Plan, a book by Maria Kritikos, the founder of the Ladies Who Lunch Network. When I read this I had to put the book down for a moment. That question hit me like a ton of bricks and I knew I needed to share it in the See Jane Write Network Facebook group.

I know I’m interested in being a successful writer, blogger, and businesswoman, but am I truly committed to doing the work necessary to accomplish my goals? I’m interested in losing weight and being healthy but am I committed to changing my eating habits and exercising regularly, even when I’m busy or upset?

To be honest, I can’t say that I have been truly committed to my success in 2018. Each month I set goals and each month I fail to achieve most of them. It’s time to make a change. It’s time to truly be committed.


How to Collaborate with Other Bloggers

Step out on faith and collaborate!

Last week I had the opportunity to speak at another Bloggers Night Out event hosted by Magic City Fashion Week. During my talk, I discussed “The Art of Collaboration,” explaining how bloggers can collaborate with one another and why they should.

Writers and bloggers need to collaborate. Period. Sayings like “A rising tide lifts all boats” and “Teamwork makes the dream work” may sound like a cliche to you, but to me, they are my mantras. I believe in the power of community and this belief is why I started See Jane Write in the first place.


5 Reasons Bloggers Should NOT Attend WordCamp Birmingham 2018

Throwback to the first WordCamp I attended and the t-shirt I got at the conference!

People often ask me why I still bother attending blogging conferences. “You’ve been blogging for a decade,” they say. “Don’t you know what the speakers are going to say before they say it?”

Oftentimes, yes. But not always.

The thing about blogging is it’s always changing. So as a blogger, if you want to keep growing you have to keep learning. And I always learn something new at WordCamp Birmingham.

I was a speaker at last year’s conference but I still attended several sessions, notebook in hand, and I filled the pages of that notebook with blogging strategies for the upcoming year.

This year I’ll be attending WordCamp Birmingham again. WordCamp Birmingham 2018 is set for August 4-5 and will be held at the Pelham Civic Complex. You can learn more and get your tickets at

If you’re eager to learn more about blogging in 2018 and beyond you should be there. But if you think you already know it all, you shouldn’t bother and here are five other reasons you should NOT attend…

Continue reading 5 Reasons Bloggers Should NOT Attend WordCamp Birmingham 2018

What Happened When I Finally Wrote About My Battle with Depression


When the news of Kate Spade’s suicide broke on June 5 I, like many fans of the famous fashion designer, was shocked and saddened for her family. But I didn’t even think many of the things I heard others saying or saw others posting on social media. Things like, “She was rich. Why would she want to kill herself?” or “How could she be so selfish and do this to her family?” I didn’t say or think things like this because I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety for most of my life but hid my pain by being an overachiever who seems so “together.” I didn’t think or say Kate Spade was selfish because there have been so many times when I was convinced everyone around me would be better off if I weren’t here.
