The Geography of a Memoir: An Interview with Amy Bickers

Amy Bickers edit

I met Amy Bickers on March 24, 2011, the night of the very first See Jane Write Birmingham event. That night Amy told me about a book she wanted to publish — a memoir. “What’s it about?” I asked jovially. “Well,” she said, “my husband killed himself in front of me.”

I was speechless. I wanted to know how she could survive something like that. I wanted to know how she could ever be whole again. But I didn’t ask her because I knew these were questions only a memoir could answer.

Now four years later, Amy has written that book — The Geography of Me and You: A Memoir — and she’s raising money via Kickstarter to self-publish.

In this candid interview Amy talks about how she found the courage to finally share her story.


Member of the Month: Teresa “T.K.” Thorne

TK-ThorneToday I’m excited to announce that the See Jane Write Member of the Month for May is local author Teresa “T.K” Thorne.

Teresa has had a passion for storytelling since she was a child and she says this passion only deepened when she became a police officer for Birmingham as that career taught her about what motivated and mattered most to people and gave her plenty of fodder for her writing.

Teresa has won several awards for her work including “Book of the Year for Historical Fiction” (ForeWord Reviews) for her debut novel Noah’s Wife. Her first non-fiction book Last Chance for Justice, which is about the 1963 Birmingham church bombing case, was featured on the New York Post’s “Books You Should Be Reading” list. Lately, Teresa has been busy with book signings and book club appearances to promote her newest historical novel is Angels at the Gate.

Teresa has been a supporter of See Jane Write for years. She was a panelist on our 2013 event “I Wrote a Book, Now What?” and she helped arrange last year’s public speaking workshop with Attorney John Saxon.

I had a chat with Teresa to discuss her new book, her writing process and her words of wisdom for other women who write.



Tell us about your latest book, Angels at the Gate

Secretly raised as a boy in her father’s caravan and schooled in languages and the fine art of negotiation, Adira rejects the looming changes of womanhood that threaten her nomadic life and independence. With the arrival of two mysterious Northmen, rumored to be holy men, Adira’s world unravels. She loses everything she values most, including the “Angel” who has awakened her desires. Caught between her culture and freedom, and tormented by impossible love, she abandons all she has known in a dangerous quest to seek revenge and follow the “Angels.” With only her beloved dog, Nami, at her side, Adira must use all the skills she learned from her father to survive the perils of the desert, Sodom, and her own heart.

Angels at the Gate is a story of adventure and the power of love, a compelling saga based on historical research about the ancient biblical world of Abraham, Sodom and Gomorrah, and the woman who “became a pillar of salt.”

You’ve said before that your passion for storytelling deepened when you were a police officer. How so? 

Being a police officer exposed me to situations and people that I would probably never otherwise have encountered. The experience was a crash course in life . . . and death. Seeing how people, including myself, reacted to challenges and crises expanded my capacity to empathize and understand human nature and increased my desire to write about it.

You’ve published both fiction and non-fiction. Was your writing process vastly different for those different genres? Was your marketing strategy different? 

With fiction, I write organically from a character-oriented base. Everything proceeds from the character and is about her journey of discovery and change. For example, in Angels at the Gate, Adira’s character started with the fact that she had a little problem with obedience, and so when she stashed a puppy in her robes, it was natural that she would have “stolen” it from the litter. Then I had to figure out why she would steal it, and, as a side effect, the character of Chiram the cook—who grumbles that he is going to throw the pups in the cook pot—was born.  This kind of approach allows for the surprises and twists that make writing a joy.

Doing the research for a historical novel is very similar to writing nonfiction. The process feels like putting a jigsaw puzzle together. The more pieces you have in place, the easier, but it can be quite daunting n the first stages. My nonfiction book, Last Chance for Justice, might lean toward “creative nonfiction,” as I used narrative tools to tell the story.

The marketing is the same for fiction and nonfiction in these ways:

  • Marketing is about building relationships with readers.
  • Finding your target audience and the best way to reach them is key.
  • It is important to build an email list so you can market more than once to your target group(s).

Marketing nonfiction is different in that:

  • Nonfiction is easier to market, in general because the target audience is usually more readily identifiable.
  • More opportunities exist to be invited as a speaker.

Book Club Orange Beach 2

What advice would you give to other women writers who want to publish and promote their books?

1.  The only way to guarantee failure is to quit trying.  Don’t quit.

2.  Learn your craft. Read good stuff. If you find your heart strings pulled or that you are anxious about what happens next, or you go “Wow!”–stop. Study how the author did that.  Go to writing conferences. Participate in critique groups. Write. No matter how may words you get down; a book is written word by word.

3. You must be prepared to market. The days of a reclusive writer sitting back and letting a publisher do all the work are, for the most part, gone.

What do you like most about being a member of See Jane Write? 

This community of women writers is a very special one.  I feel that we all want to support one another, and that is a rare thing in business. Having a mentor like Javacia who is focused and works constantly on finding ways to encourage us and help us reach our goals and dreams is quite unique. Writing is a solitary endeavor for the most part and it is helpful, mentally and emotionally, to have others to lean on and learn from.  I love talking to writers about the process of writing. I always learn something, and their questions make me dig deep.

Anything else you’d like to share with the See Jane Write network? 

Follow your dream.  There are many disappointments and challenges along the way, but when readers tell you they can’t put your book down or they have read it twice, or, as someone recently told me, she sat in the tub reading my book way past the hot water state, you realize it was worth all the time and effort.  My goal is to write at least one book that will move readers and continue to be read long after I am gone.  I hope Angels at the Gate, and perhaps Noah’s Wife, may do that, and I believe Last Chance for Justice has added to our recorded memory of civil rights history.  I can think of no greater satisfaction.

Send your nominations for the next See Jane Write Member of the Month to

Introducing the See Jane Write Mastermind

if you weren't afraid

What would you do if you weren’t afraid?

Would you quit your day job?

Would you finally start a blog or use the blog you have to build a business?

Would you write a pitch letter to your favorite magazine or a query letter to the agent you dream of representing you?

Would you write and publish that book you’ve been carrying in your heart for years?

Or have you already written and self-published a book, but you haven’t had the courage to market your work the way you know that you should?

What would you do if you weren’t afraid?

I have another question for you: What could be your game changer? 

Consider all your goals, dreams, and aspirations. Now pick one. What goal – that you could accomplish in 6 months – would have the greatest impact on your personal and professional life?

That’s a game changer goal and that’s the goal I want to help you reach.

Introducing the See Jane Write Mastermind, a 6-month personalized coaching program designed to help you achieve your game changer goal.

A mastermind group is a group that offers accountability, support and a safe space for brainstorming to help you achieve your goals.  But the See Jane Write Mastermind program offers this and so much more.

The See Jane Write Mastermind program includes the following:

  • You‘ll get 6 monthly one-on-one consultations, which means we’ll work together to develop a personalized plan to help you achieve your game changer goal and I’ll guide you through each step of that plan.
  • You’ll get 6 monthly live group coaching sessions with the other members of the See Jane Write Mastermind, which means you’ll have the support of a community of like-minded women who will also provide insight and inspiration along this journey.
  • You’ll get access to a private Facebook group to communicate and collaborate with me and the other See Jane Write Mastermind members as often as you’d like.
  • You’ll get free admission to See Jane Write events (excluding Blogging Boot Camps) that take place between June 1, 2015 and November 30, 2015 – including our annual blogging conference, The Bloganista Mini-Con. These events will give you access to even more resources and networking opportunities.
  • You’ll get a free one-year membership to See Jane Write, which means you’ll be able to register early for events with limited seating, invitations to private members-only events, the opportunity to be featured as a See Jane Write Member of the Month, and the chance to be assigned an accountability partner for even more support.
  • You’ll also get additional online training, worksheets, and personalized weekly assignments to help you achieve your game changer goal.

And in December we’re going to party! We’ll have a special event to celebrate what you accomplish during our six months of working together and have a goal setting workshop to help you make plans for 2016.

The ideal mastermind group consists of only 8 to 10 people, so less than a dozen spots are available and I can’t guarantee I will offer this opportunity again.

The See Jane Write Mastermind program will begin June 1, 2015. Registration will close May 31, 2015 at 11:59 p.m. Sign up by May 15 and I will also critique up to five writing samples for you during our time together.

Are you interested? Then, let’s chat! I’m offering a complimentary 15-minute strategy session for anyone interested in this program. This session should help you determine if this program is right for you. During this session we’ll decide what your game changer goal should be.  We’ll also discuss the monetary investment for the program.

Click here to schedule your free strategy session today.

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pens Returns!

every woman

Tuesday night I hosted the first See Jane Write Roundtable. A small group of women gathered at Revelator Coffee Company to discuss one thing: “What is your biggest frustration right now with regard to writing, blogging, or entrepreneurship?” But this was no pity party. The goal was for each woman to leave with at least one action step to help her overcome the obstacle in her way. And after getting feedback from the participants I realized they left with an action plan and so much more.

“Gathering with a group of women, many whom I did not know, I had no idea that I would walk away feeling so inspired on my own writing journey, but also so excited for the creativity coming out of See Jane Write,” says Jennifer Dome King of the blog Stellar Fashion and Fitness. “Everyone is so enthusiastic and focused on the dreams they shared, if sometimes a bit timid as to whether we can actually accomplish what we desire. But the encouragement and advice I received at the Roundtable made it clear that with the work and dedication, we really can see these dreams come true. It’s so great to have powerful, supportive women like this to turn to!”

Brie Cash of the blog I Am Woman declared, “I even made a new friend!”

One participant said the See Jane Write Roundtable was a “spiritual experience.”

Meagan Saia of the blog Life of Owen, called it “magical.”

“What was most impressive to me about these women writers is how different we all were, and yet so similar,” Meagan wrote in her recap of the event. “Not only were our outward appearances different but age and jobs and more. So many differences. And yet we were all there for the same reason: to continue to ignite our passion and tell our story.”

The evening reminded me of See Jane Write’s very first event, a gathering of only about a dozen women crowded around a table at a local Mexican restaurant discussing writing and what we would want out of a writing group. See Jane Write has come a long way since those humble beginnings and has grown from a small writing group into a thriving network of hundreds of women. To sustain See Jane Write I’ve had to transform this venture of mine from a hobby into a business, but my vision and mission remain the same: I believe every woman has a story worth sharing. I also believe in sisterhood and I believe that sometimes it takes sisterhood to give a woman the courage to share the story she carries in her heart.  


I left the event wondering what I could do to foster and facilitate more “magical” and “spiritual” experiences for women writers, but also an experience that would help them accomplish significant professional and personal goals. I have an idea, but it’s HUGE and, therefore, scary. I plan to announce the details soon but today I want to announce that Sisterhood of the Traveling Pens is coming back!

If you’re new to See Jane Write you have no idea what I’m talking about, so let me explain. I believe we all need support to accomplish our goals and so I started helping women find writing partners. My pal Erin Shaw Street jokingly said, “It’s like the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pens!” I took that name and ran with it.

At Tuesday’s event most of the women there said they felt they needed a writing or accountability partner. Through the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pens I will help you find a writing, blogging or business buddy. This can be someone you meet with regularly simply to sit in your favorite coffee shop and write for a few hours, whether you’re working on your blog or your next book. This could be someone who keeps you accountable to make sure you’re building your business as you should be. Or maybe you’re working on a memoir or novel and you need someone to give you an honest critique of your work. You and your writing, blogging, or business buddy will determine the purpose of your partnership, how often you’ll meet, etc. My job is just to help you find each other.

If you are interested in finding a writing, blogging, or business buddy email me at and I will send you a list of questions I need you to answer so I find the best partner for you.

Please note that this service is only open to See Jane Write members. If you’re not sure if your membership has expired, email me. If you know you’re not a member and would like to join you may do so here.

I’m ready to play match maker so let’s do this!

Jane About Town: Things To Do This Weekend

Whether you’re looking to make a difference, make a good meal, or just see a good show, we’ve got something to help you plan your weekend.

Bards of Birmingham Presents Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar Set in a Women’s Prison

julius caesar

“My name is Julius Caesar,” says the personable young man in the suit who greets you as you come through the door. “If you need legal representation, I can help.” He passes you a business card advertising his law firm ofCaesar and Associates, and directs you to a table where an attendant is receiving money and issuing tickets.

After paying for admission, you’ll turn over your ticket to discover the crime for which you’ve been charged: felony drug possession, breaking and entering, assault. And this is all before you set foot in the prison itself – a place in which the “prisoners” will interact freely with audience members, and prison guards will make sure that you don’t speak too loudly or break any rules.

This is Bards of Birmingham’s rendering of William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar: an experience in immersion theatre in which audience members will become part of the prison population in the penitentiary in which the play is set. In this modern American setting, Caesar serves as the public defense attorney to the women of Rome Penitentiary, where Caius Cassius is the warden. Marcus Brutus and Marc Antony are both inmates, serving life sentences.

Bards of Birmingham is a unique theatre company that seeks to empower young people through the vehicle of Shakespearian theatre. The cast for their plays is drawn primarily from community children and youth ages 22 and younger.

See the Bards of Birmingham in action April 17 at 7:30 p.m.; April 18 at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.; April 24 at 7:30 pm.; April 25 at 7:30 p.m.; or April 26 at 2 p.m. All shows will be held at the Desert Island Supply Co., DISCO, 5500 1st Avenue North in Woodlawn.

For more tickets or more information email or visit


Birmingham’s Best Bites Book Signing

The popular cookbook Birmingham’s Best Bites, which features favorite recipes from restaurants, bars, and food trucks around the Magic City, is now available in hardback!

martie and chanda

Martie Duncan and Chanda Temple, curators of the cookbook, will be signing copies of Birmingham’s Best Bites Friday, April 17 from 4-6 pm at the Alabama Booksmith, 2626 19th Place South in Homewood.

Arts for Life

Enjoy a free fun family day at Avondale Park, 4101 5th Avenue South, Saturday, April 18 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The day will feature music, dance, and spoken word performances and much more, including various children’s activities. Arts for Life is a festival designed to encourage African Americans to donate blood.

The Faux-lympics

The Faux-lympics will be held Saturday, April 18th at Crestwood Park. Teams sign in at 3:30 p.m. and the games start at 4 p.m. This field-day for adults will feature fun games like tug of war and sack relays. But you don’t have to be an athlete to compete; just be willing to have fun and support a great cause! An after-party with BBQ from Jim N’ Nicks, frozen treats from Yogurt Mountain, beer, wine and live music will follow the games. Faux-lympics is hosted by Gateway’s Junior Board and all proceeds go toward support of Gateway’s Residential Program, a program that takes care of and helps treat children and teens who have been severely neglected and abused. For more information, visit
 If you have an event you’d like to see featured in a future edition of Jane About Town, send the information to