How to Journal Every Day

If you want to journal every day, you’ve got to be intentional and not simply hope that it’s going to happen. You need to plan to journal and then commit to sticking with the plan.

You need a time, a place, and a plan.


Your Next 90 Days

Yesterday was April 1st but it felt like New Year’s Day. When I woke up with fresh start fever, I felt my inner critic – or my inner mean girl as I call her – saying “April Fools! You don’t get to start over, silly girl!”

But the joke’s on you Jolene (I decided to rename my inner critic in honor of Cowboy Carter).

I know how to give myself a fresh start without starting over. I know how to hit the reset button whenever and as often as I need to.

And everything around me seemed to be in agreement. Spring has sprung and many of us just celebrated Easter. What better way to kick off a fresh start than with a spirit of resurrection? With this spirit that all things can be made new, that we can boldly do a new thing, that deferred dreams can be raised from the dead.


Writing Sprints: Strengthen Your Writing With This Exercise

Writing sprints could be the answer to your “I don’t have time to write” problem. Just as physical sprints can help you become a stronger runner or cyclist, writing sprints can strengthen your creativity.

What is a writing sprint?

A writing sprint is a short period of time during which you write as much as you can – without editing. You simply set a timer and write! The key, however, is to stay laser-focused during that time.

I recommend 20 to 30 minutes for a writing sprint.
