I can’t remember when or how I first met Margaret Smith Marston but I do remember that we reconnected after she attended an in-person journaling workshop I hosted a while back. Since then, she’s been one of the most active members of the See Jane Write Collective, showing up on Zoom for our weekly write-ins and monthly critique sessions not only to get help with her own projects but to be a source of encouragement for other members too.

We’re celebrating Margaret this month because this month she’s making one of her writing dreams come true. Margaret’s first children’s book Eureka, Paprika is set to be released on Tuesday, August 13, and is available for pre-order now.

Hand illustrated by Margaret’s cousin Susanne St. Clair Hebden, Eureka, Paprika is a touching tale that brings kitchen spices to life to teach children the importance of including others. Determined to bring this book baby into the world, Margaret signed up for my 1-on-1 coaching program for additional guidance and I’m so excited her book launch is finally here. Read on to learn more about Margaret and her labor of love.

How did the idea for Eureka, Paprika come to you?

Imagine you’re the one who’s left out. No one plays with you or sits with you. Kids laugh at you. Suddenly, someone feels what you are feeling. Realizing they’ve misunderstood you, they want to play with you, after all. “Add a little paprika for color” means a sprinkle of garnish on an otherwise bland dish like deviled eggs. My son told me that paprika’s sweetness is used to balance the heat of spicy peppers. Somehow, it connected in my imagination that we think someone is less than because they are not like us in some way. When we open ourselves to the understanding that we are essentially all the same, we can all play together.

Why did you decide to have your book illustrated without digital tools? 

Funny to realize that it wasn’t a decision at all, at least not until much later. I simply wanted beautiful images to go with the story. My first cousin Susanne agreed to draw illustrations which turned into an hours-long process. Someone suggested we use digital resources. Susanne and I agreed we want to produce works that are written by a human, illustrated by a human, and colored by humans. Susanne created expressive characters and beautiful backgrounds that enhance and complete the story. Wait until you see Moon overseeing the night kitchen!

What are you hoping young readers and their families will take from this book?

Lightheartedness of active imagination; happiness through an engaging story and images; openness to seeing the sameness in all of us while deeply appreciating our differences.

What advice would you give to someone looking to write children’s books?

Sit with your imagination; listen to the stories you tell yourself from your own childhood – as it was or as it might have been; delight in the world. Start writing by telling yourself a story without listening to your own editor.

Why did you join the See Jane Write Collective?

I went with a good friend to a See Jane Write workshop. I was taken with the notion of getting focused and serious about moving my writing from drafts to printed and introduced to the world. I enjoy and learn from other writing groups, of course. See Jane Write offers information about the business of writing and guidance and coaching to consider and pursue the next steps in writing.

How did the Collective help you complete and publish your book?

The Collective’s monthly goal-setting, critique, and teaching sessions helped me understand others can benefit from hearing my voice and stories. Support and direction led me to take one step and another step and another. Momentum built as steps brought me closer and closer to introducing my stories to children and their people.

What’s next for you?

I’m working on more stories — some set in the night kitchen and some in other places. Susanne has stories ready for us to color. We are starting a business, Cousins Coloring. Down the road, I might work on essays or longer creative non-fiction. We’ll see!

If you’re near the Birmingham area, join us on Saturday, August 17 from 2 to 4 p.m. at Orchard House to celebrate Margaret’s book launch. This event will also double as our See Jane Write Summer Mixer so you can come meet other women writers too. RSVP on Facebook via this link.

If you’re not in the Birmingham area, join us for a virtual book launch on Wednesday, August 14 at 6:30 p.m. CT. RSVP here.