nothing will work unless you do

Disclosure: This post is brought to you by Full Moon Bar-B-Que, but all opinions are my own.

Happy Labor Day Lady Bloggers, Boss Ladies, and Writeous Babes!

My Labor Day will live up to its name as I will be hard at work all day. I have blog posts to write, emails to answer, and events to plan. And, of course, I’ll be preparing for the launch of my new e-course Lady Blogger to Boss Lady. Can you believe enrollment opens THIS SATURDAY?!

Just because I’m working all day today doesn’t mean you should, too. My days of calling myself Javacia “No Days Off” Bowser are long gone. Even a girl boss needs to take a break. The only reason I’m spending my holiday working is because I didn’t do any work AT ALL this weekend.

In fact, I spent most of Saturday watching college football. ROLL TIDE!

roll tide

Just as runners training for a marathon (or football players prepping for a big game) need to take rest days, so do women chasing their dreams.

I know that when you’re doing what you love it can sometimes actually be tough to take a break. A labor of love doesn’t feel like work. But a break is important nonetheless.

I used to have an all-work, no-play attitude. Then I hit the wall. I broke down. I got burned out and discouraged and wanted to quit EVERYTHING. Even my health was affected. It was not pretty and a lot of crying was involved.

After that I committed to taking off one day every week and that has made all the difference. I think you’ll find it actually makes you better at what you do. Writers and artists call these breaks a creative pause because as you’re resting you’re actually allowing your creativity to flow more freely. So when you get back to work your ideas will be bigger and better.

I don’t always keep my promise to myself to take a day off and when I don’t I certainly notice a difference — the tears and self-doubt quickly come back.

Even today I took a break from my to-do list to grab lunch at Full Moon Bar-B-Que with the hubster because no holiday is complete without barbecue.

FullMoonBBQ Break

edd and his ribs

This fall I will most likely spend my days off watching football…and eating barbecue. If that sounds like a good idea to you, too, be sure to check out Full Moon’s tailgate menus specially designed for Alabama and Auburn fans.

Follow Full Moon Bar-B-Que on Instagram @fullmoonbbq!


Quad menu 2015

Quad menu 2015 2

Auburn Tailgate Menu Auburn Tailgate Menu 2

How did you spend your Labor Day? What do you do on your days off?