The See Jane Write website is now accepting submissions from guest writers!
We are currently accepting pieces for Fall 2024. Here’s what we’re looking for…
Personal Essays
We want your stories! We’re especially interested in personal essays about how you found your voice, how you speak up for yourself or others, and how you’ve lifted your voice in spite of someone trying to silence you.
Here are some examples:
Southern Writers: Rep the South in your bios!
But who cares about Southern women?
(No, your essay doesn’t have to be about life in the South.)
Journaling helped me slay imposter syndrome in disguise
Q&A Profiles
Is there a contemporary woman writer who’s inspiring you to live your best writing life? We want to know about her! We’re accepting Q&A style profiles too.
Here’s an oldie but goodie as an example: Poet Ashley M Jones discusses her debut book “Magic City Gospel”
How-To Articles & News We Can Use
We want your best writing advice, so we’re always down for a strong how-to piece.
We’re also interested in writing event announcements and recaps — especially if they’re in or around Birmingham, Alabama. But feel free to pitch national events, too.
Here’s an example of an event recap: WBHM brings live broadcast of NPR’s Weekend Edition with Scott Simon to Birmingham
The Deets
The word count for articles can range anywhere between 600 to 1200 words, with 1000 words typically being the sweet spot for most pieces.
Payment is $100.
Submit pitches to Javacia Harris Bowser at javacia@seejanewritebham.com.