social media

The Power of Batch Producing Content

The key to staying consistent is staying ahead. That’s my go-to tip for anyone struggling with consistent content creation.

If you’re like most of us trying to juggle a million things while keeping your online presence fresh and engaging, you know how challenging it can be to consistently create content. Whether it’s for your social media, blog, or newsletter, the process can feel never-ending. But here’s a little secret that can save you time, reduce stress, and keep the creativity flowing: batch producing content.

This, my friend, is how you stay ahead!


My New Instagram Plan

For over a year now I’ve been setting a goal every month to post a new Instagram Reel every day. And every month I fail.

I usually start strong but by day four or so I slip and then I don’t post another Reel for a month!

We all know that consistency is key when it comes to nearly anything in life. So if I can’t consistently post daily Reels I need to figure out what I can do and stick with that.

So here’s my new Instagram plan.


How to Create Consistent Content Even When You Don’t Feel Like It

Creating consistent content is important when you’re trying to build your brand and platform as a writer. And when it comes to blogging and posting to Instagram, I am usually Queen Consistency. Usually.

Last month I published ONE new blog post and sporadically posted to Instagram only when I felt like doing so. And while the blogging break was planned, the shoddy Instagram posting was not. But I know exactly why it happened.


Why You Should Join the See Jane Write Network Facebook Group

As we all continue to stay safe at home in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic we must rethink what it means to be a part of a writing community.

These days, we can’t – or at least we shouldn’t – huddle up with our writing friends and blogging buddies in tiny side rooms at our favorite coffee shops. But that doesn’t mean we can’t still get the support we need from our fellow creatives. As you work on your next post or project you can get the encouragement you need and still practice social distancing.

Of course, I think the best way to find the online writing community you need is to become a member of the See Jane Write Collective. Enrollment for membership won’t reopen until the fall, but you don’t have to be all alone until then. You can join our free Facebook group, the See Jane Write Network, today!

Here’s why you should:
