Member of the Month

Member of the Month: Khalia Wilkinson

One thing I love about the women of See Jane Write is that they so often take their work beyond the page and find other creative ways to reach the people they feel called to help. Khalia Wilkinson is a great example. A poetess and inspirational writer with a focus on women’s wellness, Khalia blogs at Woman 31 Living and she’s the author of two books — Love Stories: An unapologetic look at love, life and sex in poetic prose, available on Amazon, A Woman’s COVID-19 Survival Guide, which she’s offering to readers for free.

But she didn’t stop there. Khalia has teamed up with the Birmingham Public Library to present Conversations with Khalia, a monthly virtual conversation series for women looking to talk through issues about style, personal wellness, parenting, love, relationships and more.

Because of her dedication to helping women live their best lives, Khalia is the See Jane Write Member of the Month for May 2021. We talked with Khalia about her new conversation series and the secret to self-care.


Member of the Month: Kristina Hamlett

Kristina Hamlett‘s writing journey shows that good things happen when you just DO THE WORK.

In 2018 she self-published her e-book What I Love About You: A Guided Journal to Writing Your Proposal and Vows. She’s been blogging for years, she’s written for several websites, and she was selected to participate in The Storyteller Project: Digital Storytelling for Women of Color.

Now her first collection of poetry and prose has been published by L10 Press.

“At this point, it feels like every opportunity was a stepping stone or in preparation for this moment,” Kristina says. 

She Lives Here is available now and what better way to celebrate Kristina’s book release day than to honor her as the See Jane Write Member of the Month for March 2021.

Read on to learn more about Kristina and her new book.


Member of the Month: Cherith Fluker

Several weeks ago I thought to myself, “Cherith is killing it these days!” And that’s when I knew Cherith Fluker should be the See Jane Write Collective Member of the Month for February.

Cherith has been consistent on her blog and on Instagram. And she’s been landing brand collaborations even though her blog is less than a year old. Cherith has been dipping her toe into the freelance writing world, too, and she does all of this while juggling life as a wife and a mom and a demanding career in education. I can’t wait to see what’s next for her.


Member of the Month: Kaira Boston

I have a confession. When Kaira Boston first joined the See Jane Write Collective this fall I worried she’d made a mistake. Kaira is a visual artist and the Collective — obviously — is a membership community for writers. I thought she’d come in, kick the tires, and realize we weren’t right for her.

Kaira quickly proved me wrong.


Member of the Month: Betty H. Smith

The caption beneath Betty Smith’s photo should read: “If consistency were a person.”

In 2018 Betty signed up for my coaching program because she wanted help with launching a blog. Each week I gave her tasks to do and each week she completed everything I asked her to do. Soon her site was ready to go. And we had a launch party with her family and friends to celebrate.

Eventually, Betty joined the See Jane Write Collective and her consistency shines through as a member, too. She shows up for write-in sessions, critique sessions, group coaching sessions, and more — always eager to help out and encourage her fellow writers and bloggers.

Her consistency has helped her self-publish two books, post new content to her blog each week, and write personal essays.

And her consistency is why she’s the See Jane Write Member of the Month for November 2020.

Read on to learn more about Betty H. Smith!
