
Summers Are For Slaying

beach babe

Summer is here.

Although for me, summer started long before June 20.

In addition to running See Jane Write, I’m a teacher, so for me summer began the moment I left work on the last day of school.

But I am also a small business owner.

For the teacherpreneur summer is a difficult dance.

We want to take a break. We need to take a break. We deserve to take a break.

But we also know that summers are for slaying. We know that with no papers to grade and no lectures to write, we have the opportunity to take our businesses to the the next level.

But we also know we can’t pour from an empty cup. We know that we need to rest. We know self-care is a feminist act.

After the school year ended, my husband and I took a short trip to visit his hometown. I lounged around reading books. We went to the movies and to the beach. We ate way too much food and spent quality time with family and friends.

But now it’s time to get back to work. Now it’s time to slay.


Hello, March

March 2016

Hello, March. It’s nice to see you.

I’ve decided you will be the month that changes everything.

I have serious decisions to make about my business, about my blog, and about my writing career. And I’ve decided I won’t let you leave me before I do.


Can You Write Your Life Into Existence?

octavia butler
Image by thestoryscape via Blavity

I’m a girl obsessed with goals. I write yearly goals, monthly goals, and even goals for the week.

But so often these goals get lost in my litany of daily tasks. When my daily to-do lists and my lofty aspirations go head to head in battle, the to-do list wins — always.

Then I think of Octavia Butler, the black woman warrior writer who, as Kiara Collins so perfectly stated in a recent article for Blavity, “literally wrote her life into existence.”


The Magic of New Year’s Eve


The Year of the Writeous Babe

I believe in the magic of New Year’s Eve.

I believe New Year’s Eve should be spent with friends who are like family and with family members who are also friends.

I believe in making silent wishes during the final countdown.

I believe in kissing at midnight.

I believe in champagne toasts even though I don’t really like champagne.
