
Affirmations for Christian Women Who Write

On Wednesday, January 2 — the same day I published a blog post and an Instagram post on the importance of believing you can actually achieve your 2019 goals — I went to my church’s first Wednesday service and the preacher talked about the power of positive thinking. He discussed the power of positive speaking, too. We have to speak God’s Word over ourselves, over our lives, and over our situations, he said.

For me, this was confirmation that I needed to get serious once again about reciting (and sharing) daily affirmations, a practice I started last year but abandoned.

Related Reading: Affirmations for Women Who Blog

So I took some of my favorite Bible verses and used them to write 10 affirmations for Christian women who write.


Affirmations for Women Who Blog

As a writer, I obviously believe in the power of the written word, but I believe in the power of the spoken word, too.

Proverbs 18:21 states “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.”

As writers, as women, we must choose to speak life over ourselves every day. Here are some affirmations to help you do just that:


21 Affirmations for Women Who Write

I regularly post inspirational and motivational quotes on Instagram. One day I posted a quote that simply said: “Let’s see what will happen if you decide not to give up.” A short while later I got a text from a friend who told me that when she saw this quote she burst into tears because all day she had been considering giving up on her dream of being an entrepreneur.

As a writer, I obviously believe in the power of words. I believe we can read books, blog posts, short stories, essays, and poems that can completely change our lives. And as this story shows, even a quote on Instagram seen at the right time can have a huge impact.

But there’s no need to wait around for the right quote to pop up in your social media feed. You can start writing personalized affirmations and speaking them over yourself every day.

Here are 21 affirmations to get you started.
