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A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats

bbj ceremony

A rising tide lifts all boats.

On Thursday evening the Birmingham Business Journal celebrated its 2015 class of Top 40 Under 40 with an awards ceremony at Iron City. I was among those honored, chosen for the work I do through See Jane Write. The evening was nothing less than fantastic.  I walked in the door and was greeted by several people I’d never met before who wanted me to know how much they loved my picture — the one that ran with my article in the Birmingham Business Journal, the one I was once insecure about because I’d opted to wear a trendy Olivia Pope-inspired outfit instead of a traditional black or navy business suit. “Your picture was hands down the best,” one fellow honoree said to me. This was a great lesson in daring to be different and daring to be myself.

A rising tide lifts all boats.

A table with my name on it and people stopping and asking to take my picture all made the night feel surreal and unreal. I tried to soak it all in. I tried to figure out what I would write in my blog post about the night, but I just kept hearing the same thing in my head over and over:

A rising tide lifts all boats.

As each honoree received his or her reward, a video recorded the day of our photo shoot was played for the crowd. I’ll be honest — we were all dreading this moment. Seeing yourself on camera is bad enough. Seeing yourself on a larger-than-life screen while hundreds of other people look on is much, much worse. In the video we were each asked what helped our career take flight. Again, I dared to be different. My answer wasn’t about a partnership or promotion. Instead I spoke about getting over my impostor syndrome and self-doubt. I talked about the importance of believing you deserve success and I declared that if I want people to take me seriously as a businesswoman I must do so first.

As the ceremony continued several women made their way over to my table to thank me for what I said in my video, to thank me for saying something they believed all women needed to hear.

A rising tide lifts all boats.

Ironically, even though Thursday’s ceremony was in part a celebration of me, it was also a reminder that my successes aren’t about me. In fact, that’s why I call my organization See Jane Write, not See Javacia Write. It’s not about me. It’s about empowering all Janes; it’s about empowering all women writers, bloggers, and entrepreneurs.

In my video and article for the Birmingham Business Journal I talk about the importance of women taking themselves seriously and this week I plan to help the women of See Jane Write do just that. Each day this week I’ll be posting inspiration and information to help you take your career to the next level.

Perhaps you’re not sure where to start. If that’s the case, then let’s chat. I’m currently accepting appointments for one-on-one consultations for March. During these consultations you can ask me whatever you need to about freelance writing and publishing, blogging, personal branding and marketing, building a community organization and more. Get more details here. There’s also one additional spot available in next month’s Blogging Boot Camp, which has been set for March 15.

Remember, I’ll be posting here every day this week giving you something big or small to help your career take flight, too. Or maybe consider this information the moon pulling the waters of your work toward the sky. But don’t forget: A rising tide lifts all boats.



lb2blYou’ve been blogging awhile and you love it, but sometimes you feel as if blogging doesn’t love you back.

Your traffic isn’t growing. Your favorite brands are overlooking you for campaigns. Potential sponsors are ignoring your pitches. Your application to join a high-profile blogging society was rejected. You dream of turning your blog into a business, but right now that feels impossible. You’re wondering if you should stop blogging altogether.

DON’T GIVE UP! You can transition from a lady blogger to a boss lady and I’ll show you how.

In this 8-module course you will learn how to turn your blog into a business without relying on ad sales or sponsored posts.

Stop waiting to be picked!

Stop waiting for brands to ask you to promote their products and services. Start creating and selling products and services of your own.

Stop waiting for blogging groups to welcome you into their inner circle. Build your own tribe.

In this course I will first help you build your best blog yet and then show you several creative ways you can use your blog to generate extra income. You’ll even learn how you can use your blog to jumpstart your career as an author or freelance writer and how to use your blog to land paid speaking engagements.


To receive a discount code for the course and other important announcements, click here to join the Lady Blogger VIP list.


MODULE 1: GET SERIOUS. We’ll discuss the importance of taking yourself seriously as both a blogger and a businesswoman. You’ll learn the 3 things you can and should do right now to start your transition from lady blogger to boss lady and the 5 changes you need to make to your website so your blog will start making money.

MODULE 2: GET FOCUSED. I’ll help you nail down your niche, write your manifesto, identify your ideal reader, and write a killer About Me page. (I’ll also share the secret to blogging about multiple topics.)

MODULE 3: GET ORGANIZED. You will develop an editorial calendar and content plan that will inspire you, not overwhelm you, and I’ll teach you my top time management tips to help you stay consistent.

MODULE 4: GET CONNECTED. This module is all about the email newsletter. I’ll help you develop an irresistible opt-in offer and help you create an email newsletter people will actually read.

MODULE 5: GET OUT THERE. People can’t read your blog if they don’t know about it! In this module you’ll learn how to network effectively online and in person. I’ll teach you how to make social media work for you, how to get your blog and personal brand covered by local and national media, how to use live events to build buzz for your blog, how to use Periscope and Facebook to build your tribe, how to guest blog for your favorite websites, and how to establish yourself as an expert.

MODULE 6: GET CREATIVE. To be a professional blogger and earn enough money to eat and pay the bills, you must have multiple sources of income. I’ll teach you 7 ways to make money with your blog and we’ll cover how to use your blog to launch your writing or public speaking career. I’ll show you my unique approach to working with brands and businesses and teach you how to pitch a campaign to potential sponsors and what to do so that eventually sponsors will come to you.

MODULE 7: GET PAID. This module alone is worth $1,000. Seriously. I’m going to show you how to make your first 1K with you blog content by creating, promoting and selling an e-course just like this one.

MODULE 8: GET SUPPORT. We’ll discuss the importance of having a tribe of blogging buddies to help you on this journey and I’ll give you tips on how to find them. I’ll give you writing prompts to help you when you have blogger’s block and invite you to be a part of the next big thing I have in the works.


When Lady Blogger to Boss Lady reopens for enrollment all content will be available. I recommend working through one module per week, making this an 8-week course. If you’re an eager beaver, feel free to work more quickly. But do your best not to get overwhelmed and remember to allow time to actually implement what you’re learning.

This is a text-based course (think super in-depth blog posts). While the course doesn’t include any official live coaching sessions, it does include a private Facebook group for extra support. During the recommended 8-week time frame of the course, I will post in the Facebook group daily and answer any questions you may have. If you’re not on Facebook, don’t fret. You can post your questions in the comments sections of the lessons.


Best group photo ever!
Best group photo ever!

I’ve been blogging in some capacity since 2008 and I’ve been writing since I could sit up straight and hold a pencil. My work has appeared in national magazines and several major newspapers including USA Today. I’ve been a contributor for NPR and I write a monthly column for one of the top magazines in my hometown of Birmingham, Alabama. My personal blog has been mentioned on major women’s websites such as and has helped me land paid freelance writing gigs and speaking engagements.

In 2011 I started a networking group and website for women who write and blog called See Jane Write. It started on a free Blogger site and with a gathering of a dozen women at a local Mexican restaurant. Today that little group and its blog is thriving network of hundreds of women and an award-winning business. In fact, because of See Jane Write, Southern Living magazine recently included me in its list of Innovators Changing the South.

But you don’t have to take my word for it! Here’s one Christina Renteria of PinkLux had to say about the Lady Blogger to Boss Lady Course:

Since completing the Lady Blogger to Boss Lady course I have gained over 200 new followers, email signups, and much more to help grow my community. I also started an engaging Facebook group, launched an e-course, a webinar, landed multiple sponsorships for workshops and events, and have taken myself seriously which has made others take me seriously. I feel like this course was the complete package for someone really wanting to know how to be a Boss Lady!

— Christina Renteria of PinkLux

See Jane Write was started to help female writers and bloggers in Birmingham. With this e-course I’m striving to help women nationwide. To receive a discount code for the course and other important announcements, click here to join the Lady Blogger VIP list. Join the movement and begin your journey from lady blogger to boss lady today.

The Results Are In!

Image by League of Women Voters via Flickr/Creative Commons

Earlier this month I created a two-question survey and offered a pretty sweet incentive to complete it: Those who completed the survey would have a chance at winning free admission to See Jane Write events held February – December 2015 (excluding events for members only).

And the winner is….

Emily G. 

Congratulations, Emily!

And thanks to all of you who completed the survey.

The results revealed three things — 1) you all love live events 2) you all are ready to blog like a boss and 3) you’re having trouble finding time to make your writing dreams come true.

Live educational vents will continue to be the bread and butter of See Jane Write. Future events will offer information on how to monetize blogging properly use business tools like MailChimp, PayPal, etc. In fact, I’ve decided that the theme for this year’s Bloganista Mini-Conference will be Blog Like a Boss!

how to write and have a life

As for time management — I’ve got you covered there, too. My e-course How to Write and Have a Life is all about how to make time for your dreams. Over the course of a dozen lessons you will learn how to set goals that will help you better manage your time, how to get rid of bad habits that are wasting your time, how to adopt healthy habits that will make you more peaceful and productive, how to rekindle your romance for your blog, how to write more, read more, and stress less, how exercise can make you a better writer, and how to give yourself a break. Enroll today!

Win free admission to 2015 See Jane Write events!

nametags I’m always brainstorming different ways to help the women of See Jane Write.

Last week, for example, I hosted a goal-setting workshop to help See Jane Write members kick off the year motivated and inspired. (Check out this recap from Heather of My Life Well Loved and this one from Katherine of Rodney’s Saga.)

And next week’s event with Carrie Rollwagen is designed to help women looking to transform their blog idea into a book idea, women looking to self-publish, and women who just want to get better at self-promotion. (Get your tickets here! Only a few tickets are left!)

But I know the best way to figure out what the women of See Jane Write need and want is to simply ask. So this month I’m doing just that. I’ve composed a two-question survey to help me determine what changes I should make to See Jane Write this year.

And I’m offering an incentive for completing the survey: You could win free admission to all ticketed See Jane Write events held between Feb. 1 to Dec. 31. This includes our annual Bloganista conference!

Here’s what you need to do:

1. Click here to complete the two-question survey.

2. After you have completed the survey, comment on this blog post. In your comment, let me know that you’ve completed the survey and tell me one event or program you’d like See Jane Write to offer this year.

3. Enter the contest using the widget below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
  The winner will be announced January 30, 2015.

5 Mistakes You’re Making When Setting Goals

goal digger

Most  people love setting goals and resolutions in January and I’m certainly in that number. At the start of a new year I always commit to pursuing lofty aspirations. But for years these goals would often be abandoned by April! Finally, I figured out what I was doing wrong. Chances are, you’re making many of the same mistakes.

On Wednesday, January 6, I hosted a goal-setting workshop for members of See Jane Write. I walked the women in attendance through my own goal-setting process and shared anecdotes about some of the mistakes I’ve made when goal-setting in the past.

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Here are five mistakes you may be making when setting goals:

1. You’re setting too many goals. When I was a teenager every December I would make a list of 99 things I wanted to do the following year — 99 things! Obviously, I never accomplished all of these. In fact, by spring I’d completely forgotten about most of the things on my list! I recommend setting about 3 to 5 major goals for the year. If you need help culling your list, remember that your goals should always be a reflection of your values. Don’t take on a goal just because someone told you it would be a good idea. Do what’s best for you and the life you want to create.

2. Your goals aren’t big and bold enough. Yes, your goals should be realistic. If your aspirations are too outlandish you might feel defeated from the start. But this doesn’t mean your goals should be small. They should ruffle feathers and raise eyebrows. Challenge yourself! Otherwise, you won’t be very motivated.

3. Your goals aren’t measurable and specific. Don’t simply say you want to be a more successful blogger or get in shape. What do these things look like? Do you want to earn a certain amount of money from your blog? Do you want to run a half marathon? Specificity will give you the direction you need.

4. You’re only setting long-term goals. One reason I didn’t accomplish many of goals of the past was simply because I got bored with them. If you know me well, you know I get bored with things VERY easily. But I realized that by breaking my 3 to 5 one-year goals into several 90-day goals I stayed excited about my pursuits. At the end of each quarter I could set new 90-day goals so I felt like I was taking on a shiny new project, but I was actually still working on the same one-year goals I set on January 1. These 90-day goals will also keep you from feeling overwhelmed.

5.  You’re not sweating the small stuff. While 90-day goals are great, you need to break down things even further. You need what I like to call momentum moves. These are things you do on a monthly, weekly, and daily basis to help you accomplish the 90-day goals. So if you want to earn more money from your blog you’ll probably need to blog more. Your momentum move could be to take devote four hours each Sunday  to writing three blog posts for the week.

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If you need more help with goal-setting this year, consider enrolling in my new time management e-course How to Write and Have a Life. In this course, I will walk you through my goal-setting process and show you how setting goals in such a way will save you time and make you more productive.


*Cross-posted at