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How to Give Useful Writing Critiques

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One of my favorite things about See Jane Write is our monthly, members-only writing critique sessions. At these gatherings members bring a piece of writing of 500 words or less to be read and revised by other ladies of See Jane Write. These sessions have helped some members complete entire first drafts of books and these sessions have been the beginnings of beautiful friendships.

If you’d like to host a critique session of your own, here are a few tips on how to give useful writing critiques.


365 Blog Post Ideas and Writing Prompts


Writers write. Period. But sometimes we get so caught up in personal brand building, social media marketing, and blog monetization campaigns that we start to neglect our first love.

One way to fan the flames of your romance with writing is to write every day. Here’s a list of 365 blog post ideas and writing prompts to keep you inspired every day of the year.


Why I’m Thankful for See Jane Write

Best group photo ever!

It’s Thanksgiving and thus time for the obligatory blog post on gratitude. But I am ready and willing any day of the year to tell you how thankful I am for See Jane Write.

It is in no way an exaggeration when I say that See Jane Write has changed my life.


Frequently Asked Questions


Every website needs a Frequently Asked Questions page. An FAQ page will keep you from answering the same questions over and over and can be a great place to get new blog readers oriented.

Today I want to share answers to some of the questions I’m often asked and give you the opportunity to ask more. Next month I plan to use this post and any questions you leave in the comments to create an FAQ page for


#Blogalicious8: How to Pitch Like a Pro


Don’t hate me, but I have an idea for yet another challenge for the women of See Jane Write.

This month I’m challenging you to #bloglikecrazy, to publish a new blog post every day for 30 days. But one month soon I’m going to challenge you to #pitchlikecrazy.

You can blame Roni Faida Clark of This weekend at the 8th annual Blogalicious conference Roni led a value-packed workshop called “How to Pitch Like a Pro” at which she gave 10 tips for pitching to brands.
