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Are you committed to your success or just interested?

Are you committed to your success or just interested?

I came across this question this weekend while reading Girl with a Plan, a book by Maria Kritikos, the founder of the Ladies Who Lunch Network. When I read this I had to put the book down for a moment. That question hit me like a ton of bricks and I knew I needed to share it in the See Jane Write Network Facebook group.

I know I’m interested in being a successful writer, blogger, and businesswoman, but am I truly committed to doing the work necessary to accomplish my goals? I’m interested in losing weight and being healthy but am I committed to changing my eating habits and exercising regularly, even when I’m busy or upset?

To be honest, I can’t say that I have been truly committed to my success in 2018. Each month I set goals and each month I fail to achieve most of them. It’s time to make a change. It’s time to truly be committed.


What Happened When I Finally Wrote About My Battle with Depression


When the news of Kate Spade’s suicide broke on June 5 I, like many fans of the famous fashion designer, was shocked and saddened for her family. But I didn’t even think many of the things I heard others saying or saw others posting on social media. Things like, “She was rich. Why would she want to kill herself?” or “How could she be so selfish and do this to her family?” I didn’t say or think things like this because I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety for most of my life but hid my pain by being an overachiever who seems so “together.” I didn’t think or say Kate Spade was selfish because there have been so many times when I was convinced everyone around me would be better off if I weren’t here.


How to Catch Your Writerpreneur Dreams

Natalie McMyler, founder of Dream Catchers South // Photo Credit: Anna Conn Photography

I am a writer but I also proudly call myself a “writerpreneur,” a woman who wants to use her writing to make an impact and an income. So in addition to reading and working on the craft of writing, I also learn all I can from business-minded people. This is why I attend events like the Dream Catchers South conference, a one-day seminar for female entrepreneurs hosted in Birmingham each spring. Natalie McMyler, the founder of Dream Catchers South, is the owner of the clothing company 11th Thread, which she launched in 2014 because she wanted to be able to stay home with her son and pursue her passion of owning her own business.


June 2018 Goals + Plans

What do you want?

This question keeps coming up.

It’s come up in sessions with my therapist, in chats with my best friends, and even in Bible studies I’ve been reading on the YouVersion app.

And I’ve realized that I honestly don’t know the answer. I’m no longer sure of what I want for my career as a writer, blogger, or teacher. Or maybe I do know what I want but I’m afraid I don’t deserve it.

Whatever the case may be, my #1 goal for June is to rewrite my vision statement for my life. I’ll start with a simple prompt: It is the year 2023 and I am so proud of the life I have created. And from there I’ll let my imagination go wild.

But I am not just a dreamer. I am a doer, too. Here are my 4 action-oriented goals for June:


Introducing the SJW Girls Write-In

Last month I asked the ladies of the See Jane Write Members Collective what they were struggling with most regarding writing and blogging and nearly everyone responded with the same reply: TIME! They’re constantly struggling to find the time to work on their book or blog.

Unfortunately, I can’t add more hours to the day but I can provide a space for women to hang out and write. After all, that’s why I started See Jane Write in the first place. And that’s why last month I started hosting a weekly virtual “girls write-in” for See Jane Write Collective members. (If you’re not a member you can apply to join here.)

But I’ve decided to take this a step further for the women of Birmingham and offer an in-person girls write-in for members and non-members.

The See Jane Write Birmingham Girls Write-In will be Thursday, May 24 from 6 to 8 p.m. at DISCO, 5500 First Avenue North in Woodlawn.
