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August Goals & Plans

Because I was a teacher for 10 years, August always feels like January — a start of a new year, a chance for new beginnings.

Even with all that’s going on in the world and in my life, I am excited about August just as I have been in years before.

I want this August to be a month about leveling up, both professionally and personally, and I’ve set some goals and made some plans to help me do just that.


21-Day Journaling Challenge

The first time I felt like a real writer I was 19 years old.

I wrote a news story about an affordable housing initiative, pitched it to a newspaper in my hometown of Birmingham, Alabama, and that paper published my article.

I had my first clip and I felt legit.

But these days I feel more like a writer than I ever have before and it has nothing to do with my byline, with my blog, or with the book I’m working on.

These days I feel more like a writer than I ever have because of my new journaling practice.

You can learn more about my journaling practice here. But this month I want you to journal with me.

Join me August 10 – 30 for a 21-day journaling challenge.

Please understand that this won’t be the type of journaling where you just make a list of all the crappy things that happened to you that day.

And the prompts I’ll be sharing with you during this challenge aren’t random writing prompts I found through a Google search.

The prompts are designed to help you get clear on who you are, what you want, and what you stand for because I believe this is the foundation for a successful writing career.

Also, the challenge is set for 21 days in hopes of helping you make writing every day a habit.

But wait! There’s more!

One participant in the challenge will win a FREE one-hour one-on-one coaching session with me.

How to Participate

To participate in the challenge, you’ll need to join the See Jane Write Network Facebook group. Starting Monday, August 10, I’ll be sharing the prompts there every morning at 6 am CT.

How to Win

To be considered for the prize you’ll need to do more than lurk in the Facebook group. The free coaching session will go to the person who shows that she’s journaling every day by sharing insights and aha moments she’s had while writing. I’m also looking for the person who sparks conversation in the group by asking questions or who shares journaling resources or tips with her fellow members.

The winner will be announced August 31.

So, if you’re ready to join the fun, first you need to join the group.

The challenge begins Monday, August 10.

Let’s do this!

How to Hit the Reset Button on Your Email List

Confession: I haven’t sent a message to my main email list in nearly a month. Sure, I’ve emailed the members of the See Jane Write Collective regularly about all of the awesome virtual events we’ve had this month. But for my general email list — the See Jane Write Weekly — it’s been crickets.

This, however, was actually a planned sabbatical. I wanted to take this month to brainstorm new ideas for the See Jane Write Weekly and to brainstorm ways to grow my list.

I’ll be back in action in August. So, if you haven’t done so already, be sure to sign up for the See Jane Write Weekly so you won’t miss out on the content I have planned.

If you need to hit reset button on your own email list, here’s how.


Why You Should Join the See Jane Write Network Facebook Group

As we all continue to stay safe at home in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic we must rethink what it means to be a part of a writing community.

These days, we can’t – or at least we shouldn’t – huddle up with our writing friends and blogging buddies in tiny side rooms at our favorite coffee shops. But that doesn’t mean we can’t still get the support we need from our fellow creatives. As you work on your next post or project you can get the encouragement you need and still practice social distancing.

Of course, I think the best way to find the online writing community you need is to become a member of the See Jane Write Collective. Enrollment for membership won’t reopen until the fall, but you don’t have to be all alone until then. You can join our free Facebook group, the See Jane Write Network, today!

Here’s why you should:
