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Imagine the Possibilities

Do you dream of writing for newspapers and magazines and on your favorite websites?

Do you think you have what it takes to write content for companies and organizations? 

Do you wish you could earn extra cash earned from freelance writing to take vacations or treat yourself to a shopping spree or a day at the spa?

Do you fantasize about quitting your day job and going full-time freelance?

You can write your way to the life of your dreams and the Full-Time Freelance Mastermind will show you how. 


Here’s the class schedule and what you’ll learn in this group coaching program:

Week of March 19: We’ll have our first group session on March 19. We’ll do some journaling to help you dream big and overcome limiting beliefs imposter syndrome can’t stand in your way as you go after your writing goals. We’ll cover the basics of journalism and start identifying the publications you should be writing for and brainstorming ideas to pitch to them. You’ll learn journalism jargon so you can confidently speak like an industry professional and we’ll cover journalism ethics, too. We’ll cover pitching basics. And we’ll discuss the importance of networking with both editors and other writers (and how to do it) and we’ll explore how you can use social media to land paid writing gigs and build your brand.

Week of March 26: We won’t have a group meeting on March 26 because of Spring Break. But you’ll be expected to work on at least one pitch and develop a plan for building your brand.

Week of April 2: You’ll get feedback on your pitch during our group meeting on April 2. You will continue to write, workshop, and send out pitches throughout the mastermind. This week we’ll also discuss how you can draw on your personal experiences for story ideas.

Week of April 9: We won’t have a group meeting on April 9 because it’s Easter, but you’ll use your time that week to work on a personal essay that you can pitch to one of your favorite publications.

Week of April 16: During our group meeting on April 16, you’ll get feedback on your personal essay pitch. We’ll cover freelance content writing during this session and how to get paid to blog for businesses, organizations, and public figures.

Week of April 23: During our group meeting, I’ll share my top tips for conducting research and interviews and for writing clean, compelling copy that will make you an editor’s favorite freelancer.

Week of April 30: In our wrap-up session on April 30, we’ll discuss the business of writing. We’ll talk money, how to stay organized, and how to build your portfolio. And I will reveal EXACTLY what I did before quitting my teaching job to become a full-time freelancer.


Here’s how the Full-Time Freelance Mastermind will work:

We will meet as a group on March 19 and April 2, 16, 23, and 30. We’ll meet from 4 to 6 p.m. CT.

During these sessions, I’ll do some teaching and give you time to work on assignments. You will also have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have to get feedback on pitches and more.

Throughout the mastermind, you can also meet with me one-on-one through weekly office hours.

But the beauty of group coaching is the power of community. You’ll have a group of other like-minded creative women to cheer you on along the way and share their own ideas and experiences with you.


Meet Your Coach

My name is Javacia Harris Bowser and I will be your coach for Full-Time Freelance.

I have nearly 20 years of journalism experience, a bachelor’s degree in journalism, a master’s degree, and more than 10 years of teaching experience. I’ve won awards for my journalism and for my personal narrative writing. So you can trust that I know my stuff.

But I also know that you don’t need the experience or the education that I have to start a freelance writing career of your own. I know this because I have helped several women, who didn’t go to j-school, see their byline in newspapers, on the mastheads of magazines, and on their favorite websites.

In addition to being a freelance writer, I am also the founder of See Jane Write, an award-winning website, membership community, and coaching service for women who write and blog.

One thing that brings me even more joy than seeing my own name in print is seeing YOUR NAME in print and knowing I helped you make it happen.

That’s one reason I’m hosting this masterclass. I’m also hosting this masterclass because I LOVE being a freelance writer. 

Back in 2009, I left my job as a newspaper reporter to teach, and while I loved being in the classroom I just didn’t feel like myself because I was no longer writing. But when I started freelancing I got my writing groove back.

Then the checks started rolling in and I realized I could use this extra income to donate to charity and help out family members who were struggling financially and I could also use this extra cash to take trips and buy Beyonce concert tickets — which should be a top priority in every woman’s life.

Now that I’m a full-time freelance writer, freelancing is giving me the freedom to create the life of my dreams, a life where I have time to build See Jane Write and work on my forthcoming book. I can exercise every morning. I can take a day off on a Tuesday. Each day I wake up and can’t believe this is my life! 

Whether you want to eventually pursue writing full-time, earn extra income for yourself or your family, or finally feel like a real writer by seeing your name in print, this mastermind is for you!


What Clients Are Saying

The Full-Time Freelance Mastermind is a relatively new program but I’ve been helping women get paid to write for years through my membership community, the See Jane Write Collective, and my digital course, See Jane Freelance. Also, the first cohort of the Full-Time Mastermind has already seen success. Here’s what a few of my clients have to say…

Whether in her course or on her coaching calls, the one thing I always gain from Javacia is confidence. Writing has been a dream that I largely ignored for years, convinced I wasn’t creative enough, experienced enough, or simply enough. Javacia has helped me climb out of that mentality and into one of capability and empowerment. Learning the tricks of the trade from her expertise has been invaluable, but even more than that, the way she has helped me trust in my own abilities has been life-changing. She truly cares about seeing her students succeed and I am confidently pursuing my writing dreams because of her. Katie Matthews

As a poet, I asked myself why I wanted to attend a freelance group coaching workshop. The answer was simple: If Javacia Harris Bowser is teaching and coaching, I’m attending, and I’m so glad I did. In six weeks, I learned the basics of journalism, how to pitch, the importance of networking, tips for conducting research and interviews, the business side of writing, and numerous ways in which to make money as a freelancer. I did the homework, I took notes, I interacted with a supportive community of writers, and I learned to dream bigger than any limiting beliefs. I’m so proud to say that within one month of finishing the course, I landed a freelance job with a national publication. Writing poetry and writing for publications and other outlets is not a conflict; it’s complementary. Every type of writing increases my treasure trove of skills. Plus, my portfolio is growing!Shirlene Bridgewater

I am a multi-passionate writer who has always dreamed about seeing my work in print and reading my byline. But I needed to learn how to get into the field. I had reservations about taking the Freelance Mastermind, but I also knew that if anyone gave me the secret recipe, it would be Javacia. If you see it, you can be it, and I saw Javacia living the full-time freelance life, and she was willing to share that knowledge with others. Also, I weighed the cost of the mastermind against the potential earnings and said, “Sign me up.” And I am happy I did. The most valuable parts of the mastermind are getting one-on-one time to review pitches with Javacia and being able to bounce ideas off the other participants. Ideas are sparked just by being around writers with a common goal – writing something meaningful and getting paid for it. My biggest win thus far is the mindset shift – I’m a writer and know it. Plus, recouping the investment I made in myself when I signed up for the mastermind has been a huge win! LaKisha Cargill

I signed up for See Jane Freelance because of Javacia’s years of experience as a writer and a full-time freelancer. Her feedback and guidance have helped me become more organized and focused on my writing goals. Since working with Javacia, I’ve had several articles published and I’ve been invited to become a regular contributor for Travel Awaits. Without the course, I would not have had the confidence to pursue my writing goals. Bisa Myles


7 Ways to Fall in Love with Blogging Again

Are you looking to fall in love with blogging again? Me too!

There was a time when I was the go-to person for anyone looking to fall in love with blogging again.  In my city of Birmingham, I was known as “the blogger girl.” One friend of mine used to call me “The Blogger Whisperer” because of my ability to get people motivated to post consistent content. But these days I need someone to get me out of my own blogging rut.

For months, I’ve been bored of blogging and ready to throw in the towel. But instead of giving up, I’ve decided to step up and coach myself.

Today I’m sharing some things I’m doing to fall in love with blogging again in case you need to rekindle your passion for posting too.


How to Get Your Writing Done – Finally

I want to help you get more writing done in 12 weeks than most people get done in 12 months. I want you to try the 12-Week Year.

I tried The 12-Week-Year for the first time last year and ever since then I’ve been hooked on the idea of ditching “annualized thinking” and focusing on setting 12-week goals instead of 12-month, or annual, goals. Even though many of the concepts discussed in the book were things I already practiced, the mindset shift was key. So, when I found out there was a 12-Week Year for Writers I was elated and excited to implement this system with the members of the See Jane Write Collective.


7 Reasons You Need to Join a Writing Group & 7 Writing Groups to Consider

Joining a writing group can be a game-changer for your writing.

In her book Writing Down the Bones, Natalie Goldberg says that we writers need to write with the whole world in our arms. I’ve long understood the importance of community for writers. In fact, that’s why I started See Jane Write.

I had just moved back to my hometown of Birmingham, Alabama, and I was looking for a writing group for women, one that would welcome multi-passionate writers who love poetry, creative non-fiction, blogging, and more. But I couldn’t find one. I searched for TWO YEARS. Then finally in 2011, I decided to start my own.

See Jane Write was born. And what started as a group for Birmingham-based writers, now has members across the country and around the world.

There are different types of writing groups. Some meet in person. Some meet virtually. Others do both. But the goal is the same — a group of writers gathers to write, give feedback, and offer encouragement.

Joining a writing group should definitely be on your end-of-the-year to-do list.


How to Write Affirmations That Work

If you want to learn how to write affirmations that actually work and that can help you achieve your goals and make your wildest dreams come true, I can be your guide. But this wasn’t always the case.

Back in the day, I thought affirmations were a waste of time. I had been making positive declarations first thing in the morning or just before bed, but each time I did I felt like a fraud. I didn’t believe a word that was coming out of my mouth.

Then one day that all changed.
