My double chin. My belly bulge. My flabby arms. The wrinkles around my eyes.
These are all things I’ve let hinder my blogging career at some point.
(more…)My double chin. My belly bulge. My flabby arms. The wrinkles around my eyes.
These are all things I’ve let hinder my blogging career at some point.
(more…)When black women walk, things change.
This statement was running through my mind as I watched the movie Harriet opening weekend.
(more…)To become the woman you want to be, you have to remember the girl you used to be. You have to write like a girl.
(more…)On the day I turned 11 years old, I decided I wasn’t a kid anymore. I decided I was a woman.
Typing those words makes me laugh out loud. But looking back on that day I realize that even though 11-year-old me had no idea what it really meant to be a woman, I did have a clear vision of the woman I wanted to be.
(more…)At See Jane Write headquarters, November is all about #BlogLikeCrazy, my annual challenge to myself and other bloggers to publish a new blog post every day for 30 days. But many women of the See Jane Write community will be participating in National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo, in November. If you’re in that number, I want you to know I have your back, too. I’ve put together some NaNoWriMo tips for you.
I asked the members of the See Jane Write Network Facebook group to offer their top tips for succeeding at NaNoWriMo, which challenges you to write a 50,000-word novel in 30 days. Here’s what they had to say…