Dreams & Goals

Do you need a February Fresh Start?

I’m a big fan of the mantra “December is the new January.” Every December I encourage the women of See Jane Write to start setting and slaying their goals for the next year long before New Year’s Day.

But some years, February is the new January.

Some years you don’t get off to the great start you’d hoped for and you need to give yourself a do-over.

Some years you need a February fresh start.

For me, 2021 is one of those years. And that’s okay.

If you can relate, give yourself permission to begin again.

As George Eliot once said, “It’s never too late to be what you might have been.”


2020 Year in Review

This year tried to kill me. For real. There’s no hyperbole in that statement. 

Cancer come along and tried to take my life and many of the things that make life worth living.

The COVID-19 pandemic and the constant reminders of racial injustice almost stole my joy. 

The deaths of loved ones almost took my hope. 

But in spite of it all, I kept going. 


My Word for 2021

Every December I not only set goals for the upcoming year, but I choose a word for the year, too.  I knew what my word for 2021 would be before we were halfway through 2020.


4 Things You Should Do This Month

December is the new January.

For a long time that was a motto of mine about the final month of the year. This mantra meant that in December I should start setting myself up for a successful new year.

But in 2020, December is the new January simply means I want to pretend this dumpster fire of a year is already over!

Regardless of your attitude about December, there are four things I think every writer should do this month.
