My double chin. My belly bulge. My flabby arms. The wrinkles around my eyes.
These are all things I’ve let hinder my blogging career at some point.
(more…)My double chin. My belly bulge. My flabby arms. The wrinkles around my eyes.
These are all things I’ve let hinder my blogging career at some point.
(more…)In 2008 I fell in love.
But this isn’t your typical “girl meets boy” kind of story. This is a story of “girl meets blog.”
(more…)If you’re trying to decide if you should do NaNoWriMo or #BlogLikeCrazy next month, there is a way you could do both. Sort of. You could blog your book, which is what I plan to do this year.
For the second year in a row, I almost didn’t host #BlogLikeCrazy, my annual challenge to anyone who’s game to publish a new blog post every day for 30 days in November. Last year I was sick of blogging but fortunately, it was #BlogLikeCrazy that helped me get my blogging groove back. This year I was going to skip #BlogLikeCrazy so I could use November to work on the book that I’ve been ignoring for nearly two years, but then I realized I could just blog my book!
(more…)When #BlogLikeCrazy season approaches, I often think about one of my favorite Flannery O’Connor quotes: “I write to discover what I know.”
Can you relate? Can you remember moments when you’ve started writing in a journal or typing on a keyboard just to quiet the questions swirling in mind only to discover, by the time you write your final line, that you had the answers all along?
This is one of the many reasons I love #BlogLikeCrazy, my annual challenge to bloggers to publish a new blog post every day for 30 days in November. This challenge gives me 30 new chances to discover what I know and to do so near the end of the year, a perfect time for reflection.
(more…)The other day I was chatting with a friend who is also a writer and she told me that she felt she owed her writing success to me. While I was very flattered by the statement I assured her that was not true.
This friend has had a lot of success. She’s had her work published in literary magazines galore and is currently slaying the freelance copywriting game, too. She also edits books and is working on writing a book of her own. But her talent and tenacity made all this happen — not me.
My friend, however, said that many of the opportunities that she’s had and the community of supporters that she has built happened because of her blog and she said she never would have started blogging had I not encouraged her to do so years ago.
Her words made me so happy. I preach the gospel of blogging to anyone who will listen because I, too, have built a wonderful tribe of women writers who have my back and have had several writing opportunities land in my lap because of my blog. And it’s so nice to know others are reaping the benefits of blogging, too.
Related Reading: How to Start a Blog
Blogging has definitely boosted my career as a freelance journalist. It helped me get the attention of magazine editors who offered me my own column. And sometimes editors even pay me to republish my blog posts in their publications.
Here are 3 other reasons why freelance writers should blog.