
The Bloganista Mixer presented by Collage Designer Consignment

Disclosure: This post is brought to you by Collage Designer Consignment, sponsor of this year’s Bloganista Mixer, but all opinions are my own.

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If you feel as if you just can’t wait until the See Jane Write Bloganista Mini-Con presented by Laura Vincent Printing & Design to meet other Birmingham-area bloggers, then I have good news: you don’t have to!

Join us for the Bloganista Mixer presented by Collage Designer Consignment. Mingle with local bloggers while noshing on delicious hors d’oeuvres. Chat with some of this year’s conference speakers. And, of course, while you’re at Collage you can shop for your conference outfit!

Collage is celebrating its 23rd birthday this month, so you can get 23% off summer apparel and if you spend more than $75 you’ll receive a free gift!

July Anniversary Sale 2015 copy

Collage Designer Consignment was a vendor at last year’s Bloganista Mini-Con and I am so proud to partner with Collage again for this year’s Bloganista Mixer. In fact, I think there’s a lot we bloggers can learn from Collage owner Tracy True Dismukes.

Tracy_Black 2009

Tracy teaches us to be selective. Collage is known for being exceptionally selective in the items accepted to sell on consignment. Clients include news anchors, government officials, pageant winners, actresses, professionals and soccer moms who all know they can find anything from boutique brands to high-end designer labels, from GAP to Gucci, with all the benefits of a cozy and friendly full-service boutique – all at prices less than wholesale.

Likewise, we must be selective when blogging. We can’t post simply to post and we shouldn’t accept posts from guest bloggers who aren’t in line with the voice and vision for our blogs. We must give our readers high-quality content with a relatable and friendly tone. That’s what makes for good customer service in the blogosphere!

Tracy’s strategies have worked. Collage has been voted Best Consignment Shop and Best Women’s Boutique in Birmingham Magazine and the Birmingham News and was awarded Retailer of the Year by the Alabama Retail Association.  Collage has been featured nationally on FOX Business, Entrepreneur Magazine, Southern Living and in the national publication of AARP Bulletin. Tracy has appeared numerous times on NBC13, CBS42, FOX6 and ABC 33/40 as well as CBS Atlanta and has been quoted in the Wall Street Journal, Philadelphia Enquirer,, Birmingham Business Journal and Birmingham News.

Tracy teaches us to give back. In the past Collage has partnered with My Sister’s Closet of the YWCA and to give prom gowns to teen girls who otherwise wouldn’t have been able to afford one. And she’s worked with WellHouse Ministries to host events to bring greater awareness of human trafficking to the Birmingham area.

We should all consider how we can use our blogs to spread awareness for the causes we believe in.

I hope to see you Thursday at the Bloganista Mixer presented by Collage Designer Consignment. This is a free event but registration is required. Register at

Tips for Your First TV Appearance

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Today I was on Talk of Alabama discussing our upcoming events The Bloganista Mixer presented by Collage Designer Consignment and The Bloganista Mini-Con presented by Laura Vincent Printing & Design.

I always encourage the writers and bloggers I coach to pitch a segment idea to local TV media. And, not to brag or anything but… after using the tips I give them on how to pitch their idea they usually email me saying “I’M GOING TO BE ON TV!” (Click here to check out those tips.)

But about five minutes after sending that email they send another that reads something like this: “OMG! I’M GOING TO BE ON TV! WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?! I CAN’T DO THIS! I’M FREAKING OUT!”

If you’re a few days away from your first TV appearance and you’re having similar anxious thoughts, here are a few tips to help things go smoothly:

Practice, but not too much. Write down five questions you think a reporter might ask based on the topics you presented in your pitch. Now write down your answers to these questions. (Some TV stations will actually request that you do this and ask that you send your questions and answers to their producers.) Read over what you wrote a few times. Now get your spouse, significant other, best friend or blogging or business buddy to interview you using the questions you wrote, but also get them to throw in a few questions that aren’t on your list so you’ll have practice responding to questions off the cuff. WARNING: Don’t try to memorize every word you’ll say. If you do that you’ll sound too rehearsed and come off as inauthentic.

Choose your outfit the night before. You don’t want to feel rushed and frazzled the morning of your big television debut because you couldn’t figure out what to wear. So be sure you have your entire outfit prepped and ready to go the night before your segment. Not sure what to wear? Bright colors are best, but avoid white. Wear something that makes you feel both comfortable and confident. And remember — you have to look the part to get the role. So if you’re going on TV to give tips to aspiring entrepreneurs because you want to be a business coach, you need to look like you run something! If you’re giving fashion tips, that should be obvious the moment you walk on set and you better be the most stylish person in the room.

Arrive early, but not too early. Leave your home and head to the station early enough that you will be on time even if there’s a wreck on the road and you get stuck in traffic. But don’t get there so early that you have 90 minutes to stew in your nervousness before your segment begins.

Make small talk… or not. I’m an extrovert so talking to other people at the station — whether folks who work there or other people waiting to be interviewed — calms me. But the idea of talking to even more strangers may make you want to puke. If that’s the case, head to the restroom for some alone time before your segment. Figure out what works best for you based on your personality. And if you’re a spiritual person be sure to wake up early enough that you can get in your daily spiritual practice. This will also help you feel more centered and calm.

Forget about the cameras. OK, stop laughing. I know this sounds impossible. But try your best to just pretend you’re having a conversation with the person interviewing you and forget that you’re on TV. Most likely your segment is on something that you’re very passionate about, something you probably talk to people about all the time. Just pretend this is another one of those times when someone has shown interest in this passion of yours and wants to know more because actually that’s exactly what this is!

What tips would you offer to folks preparing for their first TV appearance? 

PS – If you’d like to see my segment on today’s Talk of Alabama, the video will be available here for a limited time.

Lady Blogger to Boss Lady


Last year at the See Jane Write Bloganista Mini-Con I decided that I wanted to not only be known as a blogger but also respected as a businesswoman. Six months later I was being honored as one of the city’s Top 40 Under 40 by the Birmingham Business Journal due to my work as founder and CEO ofSee Jane Write, a blog and membership organization for women writers, bloggers and entrepreneurs in Birmingham, Alabama.

On June 13 I’m offering a free master class I call “Lady Blogger to Boss Lady.”

In this free seminar I will share 7 steps to help you turn your blog into business and make your transition from lady blogger to boss lady!

This event is free, but registration is required. Reserve your spot here.

Lady Blogger to Boss Lady

11:30 a.m., Saturday, June 13

Homewood Public Library in the Round Auditorium

Jane About Town: May Days

There are so many things going on this month that women writers, bloggers, and entrepreneurs in Birmingham shouldn’t miss.

Brahmin Birmingham Grand Opening
5-8 p.m., Thursday, May 7


Join See Jane Write member and local blogger Heather Brown today from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Brahmin Birmingham Grand Opening. The Summit is continuing to expand and Brahmin Birmingham, a handbag collection known for its exotic prints, is the latest addition. Heather will be hosting tonight’s grand opening celebration, which will feature free food, drinks, and giveaways. Attendees can also receive 20 percent off their purchase and a portion of the proceeds will go to benefit Pathways of Birmingham, a United Way agency that serves homeless women and children. Visit Heather’s blog for more details.

3-D Poetry Exhibit Opening Reception
6:30 – 8:30 p.m., Friday, May 8 

asfa 3d poetry

Students from the Alabama School of Fine Arts Creative Writing department will be displaying works of three-dimensional poetry at the Desert Island Supply Co (DISCO), located at 5500 1st Ave N, Birmingham, AL 35212. The work will be on display from May 8 – 22, 2015. (Please call 205-201-0826 for hours.) There will be an opening reception May 8, 2015 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at DISCO. The event is free and open to the public. For more information contact Kwoya Fagin Maples at

There are TWO business seminars for women taking place Saturday, May 16!

I Am Fabulous Business Seminar
12 – 4 p.m., Saturday, May 16

Local fashion blogger and business coach Trisha Morisette is hosting a seminar for female entrepreneurs who want their businesses and their lives to be fabulous. The seminar will help you take your style and your health to a higher level so you can take your business to a higher level, too. Get tickets and more information here.

Women Winning Seminar
9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Saturday, May 16

women winning
The Women Winning Seminar will provide practical business strategies to help you build and grow a sustainable business. Topics include marketing, funding, technology, networking, and branding. Get tickets and more information here.

Your Blog Is Your Business
5:30 – 7 p.m., Tuesday, May 19

The next See Jane Write event has been set! It’s time to make the leap from lady blogger to boss lady! Learn how to blog like a boss at our next workshop.

Wade Kwon, director of the Y’all Connect social media conference, will offer tips on how to turn your blog into a business without relying on ads.

What does success look like? What rewards are better than money? Who is your A-Team? We’ll cover all this and more! Plus, there will be a surprise for attendees. Get tickets and more information here.

Auto No More: A Manual Photography Workshop
2:30 – 5 p.m., Saturday, May 30

Have a camera but don’t know how to use it? Join Rachel Johnson of Stupid Good Rachel for an introductory manual photography workshop, plus sips and sweets! Get tickets and more information here.

Don’t Forget: I’m still accepting appointments for 15-minute strategy sessions for anyone interested in learning more about the See Jane Write Mastermind program. Click here to make your appointment today.

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pens Returns!

every woman

Tuesday night I hosted the first See Jane Write Roundtable. A small group of women gathered at Revelator Coffee Company to discuss one thing: “What is your biggest frustration right now with regard to writing, blogging, or entrepreneurship?” But this was no pity party. The goal was for each woman to leave with at least one action step to help her overcome the obstacle in her way. And after getting feedback from the participants I realized they left with an action plan and so much more.

“Gathering with a group of women, many whom I did not know, I had no idea that I would walk away feeling so inspired on my own writing journey, but also so excited for the creativity coming out of See Jane Write,” says Jennifer Dome King of the blog Stellar Fashion and Fitness. “Everyone is so enthusiastic and focused on the dreams they shared, if sometimes a bit timid as to whether we can actually accomplish what we desire. But the encouragement and advice I received at the Roundtable made it clear that with the work and dedication, we really can see these dreams come true. It’s so great to have powerful, supportive women like this to turn to!”

Brie Cash of the blog I Am Woman declared, “I even made a new friend!”

One participant said the See Jane Write Roundtable was a “spiritual experience.”

Meagan Saia of the blog Life of Owen, called it “magical.”

“What was most impressive to me about these women writers is how different we all were, and yet so similar,” Meagan wrote in her recap of the event. “Not only were our outward appearances different but age and jobs and more. So many differences. And yet we were all there for the same reason: to continue to ignite our passion and tell our story.”

The evening reminded me of See Jane Write’s very first event, a gathering of only about a dozen women crowded around a table at a local Mexican restaurant discussing writing and what we would want out of a writing group. See Jane Write has come a long way since those humble beginnings and has grown from a small writing group into a thriving network of hundreds of women. To sustain See Jane Write I’ve had to transform this venture of mine from a hobby into a business, but my vision and mission remain the same: I believe every woman has a story worth sharing. I also believe in sisterhood and I believe that sometimes it takes sisterhood to give a woman the courage to share the story she carries in her heart.  


I left the event wondering what I could do to foster and facilitate more “magical” and “spiritual” experiences for women writers, but also an experience that would help them accomplish significant professional and personal goals. I have an idea, but it’s HUGE and, therefore, scary. I plan to announce the details soon but today I want to announce that Sisterhood of the Traveling Pens is coming back!

If you’re new to See Jane Write you have no idea what I’m talking about, so let me explain. I believe we all need support to accomplish our goals and so I started helping women find writing partners. My pal Erin Shaw Street jokingly said, “It’s like the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pens!” I took that name and ran with it.

At Tuesday’s event most of the women there said they felt they needed a writing or accountability partner. Through the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pens I will help you find a writing, blogging or business buddy. This can be someone you meet with regularly simply to sit in your favorite coffee shop and write for a few hours, whether you’re working on your blog or your next book. This could be someone who keeps you accountable to make sure you’re building your business as you should be. Or maybe you’re working on a memoir or novel and you need someone to give you an honest critique of your work. You and your writing, blogging, or business buddy will determine the purpose of your partnership, how often you’ll meet, etc. My job is just to help you find each other.

If you are interested in finding a writing, blogging, or business buddy email me at and I will send you a list of questions I need you to answer so I find the best partner for you.

Please note that this service is only open to See Jane Write members. If you’re not sure if your membership has expired, email me. If you know you’re not a member and would like to join you may do so here.

I’m ready to play match maker so let’s do this!