What is the one word you live by or strive to be?
What is the one word you live by or strive to be?
Name a woman who has shaped Alabama for the better. What difference has she made in the lives of those around her?
That’s the question Alabama Media Group posed to readers for its second annual search for the Women Who Shape the State. I am honored to announce that I was one of the more than 100 women nominated and one of the 30 women selected to be recognized this year!
I think you’re pretty smart, but you might not know that 44% of single mothers in Birmingham live below the poverty line. Forty-four percent. That means a woman with two kids could be living on just $20,000 a year!
This weekend I attended reCreate, the annual women’s conference held each fall at Church of the Highlands. One of the speaker’s at this year’s conference was Andi Andrew, who founded New York City’s Liberty Church in 2010 with her family. In 2015 she launched the She Is Free Conference.
One of the messages Andi gave this past weekend was all about seeds. So often we pray to God for gifts and we expect instant gratification. But instead of God giving us what we desire, fully grown, God simply gives us the seeds and it’s our job to tend to the soil of our hearts so that the seeds can bear fruit.
When Birmingham-based fashion blogger Bertha Hidalgo entered Redbook magazine’s Real Women Style contest she didn’t really think she would win.