5 Things That Made Me a Happy Feminist This Week

Having a SOL Dance Experience with the ladies of See Jane Write was the highlight of my week.

Being a happy feminist has felt nearly impossible these days, for reasons that are obvious to anyone who keeps up with the news. And as we learn of more and more women who have suffered sexual assault by male politicians and celebrities, what’s almost just as enraging is the “Why is she just now coming forward?” bullshit that so many people — including other women — are saying in response to the allegations.

But the purpose of this post is to add a little happiness to your day, so I’ll step down from my soapbox and share with you 5 things that added a bit of joy to my week.


3 Ways to Build Your Audience


Being consistent on social media is a great way to build your audience.

There is no such thing as an aspiring writer. You don’t need a blog, a book deal, or a freelance gig to be a writer. To be a writer all you have to do is write. But if you want to be a writer who makes an impact and an income, you have to do more. You have to think and act like an entrepreneur. You have to think of personal branding.

Yesterday in my private Facebook group for the See Jane Write Members Collective, a member asked “Would love to hear about your strategy to get your name out there. What do you do daily to get in front of the people you want to work with?”

Great question!

In a Facebook Live for members only, which I do every Wednesday, I answered this question and I want to give you a peek at the tips I offered and share with you the one thing I MUST get better about in 2018.


Melva Tate’s Top 10 Tips for Building Your Speaker Platform

Put in the work. That’s the rule that award-winning coach, speaker, and human resources consultant Melva Tate lives by. And that’s the rule that motivated me to attend one of her talks Tuesday evening, despite the fact that I was exhausted and wanted to sit on the sofa and watch Netflix. And I am SO glad I did!

Melva spoke at an event hosted by the I Am Woman Network and in her presentation offered advice on how to build your platform as a speaker. If you want to be a speaker, Melva is definitely someone you should listen to. She does several speaking engagements a week, most of which she gets paid thousands of dollars to do!

Here are Melva’s top 10 tips for building your speaker platform.


3 Things to Do Before 2018

image via Instagram

Be a woman to watch. I’ve already decided this will be my mantra for 2018. But there’s no need to wait until January 1 to start crushing my goals. In fact, I believe that to make 2018 the year I want it to be, I need to get to work on next year’s goals right now and I want to help you do the same.

If you want to slay 2018, here are three things I believe you should do before the end of this year.


21 Affirmations for Women Who Write

I regularly post inspirational and motivational quotes on Instagram. One day I posted a quote that simply said: “Let’s see what will happen if you decide not to give up.” A short while later I got a text from a friend who told me that when she saw this quote she burst into tears because all day she had been considering giving up on her dream of being an entrepreneur.

As a writer, I obviously believe in the power of words. I believe we can read books, blog posts, short stories, essays, and poems that can completely change our lives. And as this story shows, even a quote on Instagram seen at the right time can have a huge impact.

But there’s no need to wait around for the right quote to pop up in your social media feed. You can start writing personalized affirmations and speaking them over yourself every day.

Here are 21 affirmations to get you started.
