Why I #bloglikecrazy

I have a confession.

I don’t enjoy blogging anymore. Sometimes I hate it!

This may be hard to believe considering #bloglikecrazy is just around the corner and I’ll be publishing a new blog post every day for 30 days and encouraging other bloggers to do the same. (Read more about #bloglikecrazy here.)

Let me explain.


Member of the Month: Lisa E. Williams

Florida-based author and blogger Lisa E. Williams believes that every soul has a language. Like any language, it’s one learned and developed over time, one determined by our environment. She believes our soul “speaks” its language through our behavior.

Lisa admits that many of her old behaviors were derived from fear, pain, and rejection and these behaviors crippled many of her relationships.

That is until she got some “soul training.”

Lisa’s new book, Soul Training, chronicles her journey toward healing and, believe it or not, the role her dog, Hershey, played in this healing. Lisa says there’s likely a person, place, or animal in your environment that can expand or reshape your thinking in an area of your life, too.

Lisa isn’t satisfied with only finding healing for herself. She’s determined to help other women, too. She hosts events and creates content meant to help women pursue their passions and build healthy relationships.

This is one of the many reasons Lisa is the October See Jane Write Member of the Month.


It’s Almost Time to Write and Blog Like Crazy!

Every November I challenge See Jane Write readers and members who blog to publish a new blog post every day for 30 days. I call this challenge #bloglikcrazy. I give participants encouragement along the way by sharing blogging tips and post ideas and if you use the #bloglikecrazy hashtag when you share your posts on social media I’ll help promote your posts, too.

To be honest, I originally started #bloglikecrazy because November can be a lonely time for non-fiction writers. National Novel Writing Month (or NaNoWriMo) is also in November, which means all my fiction writer friends are busy trying to write a 50,000-word novel in a month and no one can come out to play! So, I decided to create a writing challenge for non-fiction writers who blog.

But this year I want to make sure I’m supporting See Jane Write readers and members who are taking on the NaNoWriMo challenge, too. So this month I’m hosting two events — one for my blogger babes and one for my lady writers — to help you prepare for all the writing and blogging we’ll be doing in November.


When Writing Is Not Enough

Writing can be a feminist act. 

I believe this idea so deeply I did a TED Talk on it.

I believe that by sharing her story a woman can fight for equality and grow to love herself enough to believe she deserves it — no matter what society says.

This is why I teach. This is why I started See Jane Write. This is why I write. But sometimes writing is not enough. Sometimes I feel I have to do more.


How to Accomplish Your 4th Quarter Goals

October is here. We’re in the final quarter of the year. And as a college football fan, I love a good 4th quarter win. But this month if you see me strutting around holding four fingers in the air it might not be for the Alabama Crimson Tide, but for the ladies of See Jane Write — and for myself. I am declaring that this quarter is ours.
