My Favorite Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes

As a writer, I love spending Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day reading the words written and spoken by this great man in his lifetime. Of course, we turn to Dr. King’s words for thoughts on issues of justice and equality, but he spoke just as much about faith, aspirations, life and love. So many of his words can encourage us creatives as we seek to make our dreams come true and strive to make our world a better place with what we create. Here are some of my favorite Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. quotes.


How to Rebrand Your Blog in Style

Megan LaRussa Chenoweth and I

If you’re like me the new year has you in the mood for all new everything and you may be wondering if it’s time for you to rebrand your blog. I’ve honestly been wondering the same thing about See Jane Write.

While thinking this over I decided to revisit an interview I did back in 2015 with style coach Megan LaRussa Chenoweth when she rebranded her blog and business. For years, Megan has been my brand and business role model and she’s the prototype of how women can transition from lady blogger to boss lady.


How to Accomplish Your 2019 Blogging Goals

If you’ve been reading See Jane Write even for a short period of time you know that I am a girl obsessed with goals. I set goals for the year, goals for each season, goals for each month, and even goals for each week and day.

While I accomplished a lot in 2018, I didn’t reach any of my writing or blogging goals and if I’m going to make 2019 a success I have to get honest with myself about why.


Currently: Writer’s Edition

It’s time for another edition of Currently, a feature for which I share what I’m currently into in hopes that you’ll find something that inspires you. Usually, I share what I’m watching, reading, listening to, writing, feeling, planning, and loving, but I’ve decided to switch things up a bit and share things that pertain specifically to the writing life. So here’s what I’m currently writing, revising, pitching, and planning. And I’ll also share what I’m reading, loving and feeling just for fun.


On Writing and Aging Gracefully

Check out my new column in Birmingham Magazine!

Award-winning poet Ashley Jones (who’s also a colleague and friend) once told me that she writes to better understand the world. I’m pretty sure I do the same. But I recently realized that I also write to better understand myself.

I’m happy to announce that in 2019 I’ll be writing a new column for Birmingham magazine. Also titled See Jane Write, this column will cover cultural issues that many women face. For my debut piece, I wrote a raw and real personal essay on my struggle to embrace the beauty of aging and in doing so started to understand why I’m suddenly so worried about getting older.
