How to Create a Morning Routine

My alarm sounds at 4 a.m. playing an instrumental version of Beyoncé’s “Yonce.” When my alarm goes off the message on my phone reads “Beyoncé would get up.” Sometimes I set my alarm message to read “Be writeous, babe,” a nod to my old blog. Other times the message simply says, “Write!” But when this alarm sounds I get out of bed and start my morning routine.

Because I teach full-time, write part time and run a blog and business people often ask me how I do all the things that I do. My morning routine is the answer. If you’re struggling to find time to build your blog, finish your book, or launch your freelance writing career, creating a morning routine may help you finally make time for your dreams. 


5 Ways to Celebrate International Women’s Day — Every Day

Today is International Women’s Day, and though I certainly don’t need a holiday to celebrate women, in honor of this day I’d like to share five ways I think women writers can celebrate International Women’s Day every day.

I believe that we women who write need to accept the charge given by writer Nora Ephron: “Above all, be the heroine of your life.” And we should do all we can to encourage the women and girls around us to do the same. We must also do the work necessary to create a world where women and girls actually can be the heroines of their own lives.

If you’re not sure what all of this work looks like here are some ideas…


Redefining What It Means to Be an Influencer

What does it mean to be an influencer?

Honestly, it depends on who you ask. 

While some people dream of being six-figure earning Instagram influencers others are wishing the word “influencer” could be banned. 

Tom Godwin,  the head of innovation for ZenithMedia, told AdWeek at the end of 2018 that he hopes influencer marketing will die out in 2019. Though he acknowledges it’s a good tactic for some industries, Godwin says influencer marketing has quickly descended into “hot people holding things.”

To be honest, this is how I had come to define the word influencer, too. So when I was invited last month to attend a luncheon for local influencers I wasn’t quite sure what to think. First of all, I don’t have a gazillion Instagram followers, which I often feel is a requirement to bear that title. And secondly, if you scroll through my feed you’ll see that “hot people holding things” is hardly my theme. 

My BFF Jacqui Jones of One Degree MMM and I at the #UnSelfie2019 Influencer Luncheon
(photo by Eric Gray Photography)

But the title of this event caught my attention — #UnSelfie2019 Influencer Luncheon. Presented by United Way of Central Alabama and hosted by social media and public relations pro Maree Jones, this event was all about how to use your social media influence for good, for positive change in your community and beyond. So my BBF marketing guru Jacqui Jones of One Degree MMM and I headed to the event.


Writing My Way to the Life of My Dreams

Last month I had a difficult time blogging consistently but not for any of the reasons you may think. I hadn’t run out of ideas for blog posts. And I didn’t feel too busy to blog either. No, I didn’t lack the inspiration or the time, but I did lack the intention. 

I was no longer clear on why I was blogging. Sure, I know all the business-related reasons to blog. I know blogging can help you establish yourself as an expert, increase your visibility and build your know/like/trust factor. But I needed a reason beyond that. 
