15 Confessions: Fearless Female Edition

I am deliberate and afraid of nothing.

Audre Lorde

This quote by Audre Lorde is one of my favorites, but honestly, it’s one to which I can’t completely relate.

Sure, I try to be deliberate in all I do. But I am afraid of plenty.

I try to pretend as if I’m not. My bio on Facebook is “Fearless, Feminist Freelancer” and all summer I’ve been toting around a pink notebook that boasts “Fearless Female” on the cover.

And as a woman of faith, I try to hold tight to verses like Proverbs 31:25, which reads, “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.”

But the days to come often keep me up at night.

So today I’m confessing my fears, not because I want you to say something that will ease them (you can’t), but because I want other women dealing with these fears to know they are not alone. And I want you to see how I feel the fear and do it all anyway so that you can, too.


My Top 10 Takeaways from WordCamp Birmingham 2019

An African-American woman (me!) dressed in a blue t-shirt and floral skirt poses in front of a building standing next to a sign that reads "YP Y'all"
Another WordCamp Birmingham is in the books!

August 10-11, 2019 I attended WordCamp Birmingham 2019, which was held at Rosewood Hall in Homewood. The event featured several different tracks of workshops including sessions on content and business. I had the opportunity to speak, as well, and gave a presentation on using group writing challenges to boost your blog.

I’ve been attending WordCamp Birmingham conferences for years and I always leave with a notebook full of tips and tricks on how to improve my blog and overall content creation process. Honestly, I leave with too much information. I leave with so much information that I usually get too overwhelmed to put any of it into practice.

But this year I’m going to rewrite my story! This year reviewed my notes and made a list of 10 things I will do to put the information into action.

Here are my top 10 takeaways from WordCamp Birmingham 2019…


On Designing the Writing Life You Desire

An African-American woman (me!) sitting at a table typing at arose gold laptop. A pink journal, cell phone, pen, and cup of coffee are on the table, too.

Last week I attended SPARK Writing Festival at the University of Alabama at Birmingham with one goal: get the information and inspiration I need to finish my manuscript. 

I have a book I’ve been working on for nearly three years and even though I’ve written the book, had it reviewed by beta readers, and had it edited, I have yet to pitch the book to agents or even make plans to self publish. Why? I’m not happy with the book — at all. It lacks focus. It lacks depth. And if you were to ask me what the book is about I couldn’t even tell you. 

I signed up for SPARK hoping the workshops would show me how to rewrite my book; instead SPARK showed me how to rewrite my life.


How to Make the Most of See Jane Write

See Jane Write offers a lot of FREE stuff to help you with your writing life. You can get tips on writing, blogging, and even personal brand building from See Jane Write blog posts. You can get even more information and inspiration from my free webinars. And you can find a group of fellow women writers to cheer you on in the See Jane Write Network Facebook group.

But these things just scratch the surface of what See Jane Write can do for you. When you join our membership program the See Jane Write Collective you’ll get access to a members-only resource library full of workbooks, videos, and more to help you with your writing or blogging journey. You’ll also get access to members-only workshops, writing sessions, and critique circles.

When you become a member of the See Jane Write Collective, you will have all the resources you need to follow what I like to call the See Jane Write Success Path.


Member of the Month: Leslie L. Golden

Leslie L. Golden

Lesile L. Golden is currently working on not one, not two, but three books and is somehow still finding the time to consistently update her blog The Istoriaphile’s Corner. She also recently published an e-book called Season’s Suite that’s all about the stories found in nature.

But Leslie’s writing work ethic isn’t the only reason she’s the See Jane Write Collective Member of the Month for August 2019. She was nominated by Audrey Atkins, author of They Call Me Orange Juice and the SJW member of the month for June 2018.

“In addition to being an awesomely talented wordsmith, she is enthusiastically and unfailingly supportive of every Jane in the group,” Audrey said of Leslie. “She offers feedback that is thoughtful and helpful, she is sincerely complimentary, and she shares careful and constructive criticism. It is this kind of writerly and friendly rapport that I came to See Jane Write to find, and I absolutely did in Leslie.”

In this interview, I chat with Leslie about her blog and her books, writing tips, and why she loves See Jane Write.
