How Your Blog Can Make You a Badass Babe

This week I got to write a story for one of my favorite local magazines. I was interviewed for a podcast. I got to meet with tourism bureaus who want to pay for me to travel to their cities. I got paid to help women write and see their writing in print. I got paid to blog for a woman-owned business that I love. And I had meetings for two potential partnerships that could allow me to have more impact and make more income in 2020.

I’m not going to lie — this week made me feel like a badass babe. But here’s the thing: I didn’t do anything this week that you can’t do, too.


Girl, Just Write!

You say you can’t write because you don’t have the time. So, make the time! Get up early, stay up late, or write during your lunch break. Write on the weekends. Write when your kids are asleep, when they’re at practice or rehearsal, or when they’re watching Puppy Dog Pals and Peppa Pig.

Girl, just write.


How to Read Like a Writer

Good writers read good writing. I say this a lot. People often ask me what they can do to improve their writing and this is always my answer (along with regularly practicing your craft).

Stephen King once said, “If you don’t have the time to read, you don’t have the time (or the tools) to write.” So, if you won’t listen to me, maybe you’ll listen to one of the most prolific writers of our generation.

But you may be wondering exactly how reading more can improve your writing. You may be wondering how to read like a writer.
