The 2019 #BlogLikeCrazy & NaNoWriMo All-Stars

Each year, I challenge any blogger who wants to play along to join me in publishing a new blog post every day for 30 days in the month of November. I call this challenge #BlogLikeCrazy and it certainly lives up its name. But it’s also SO MUCH FUN. And I’m so glad each year some brave bloggers step up to the challenge.

Today I salute the #BlogLikeCrazy All-Stars for 2019 — the bloggers who succeeded in giving their readers new content every day in November. And I’m giving a shoutout to members of the See Jane Write community who completed the National Novel Write Month (NaNoWriMo) challenge.


20 Things to Do Before 2020

I’m a huge fan of the mantra “December is the new January.” I believe if I’m going to be successful next year I have to start planning and preparing for that success this year.

If you’re looking to get a jumpstart on your January, too, here’s a list of 20 things I think writers should do before 2020.


5 Minutes of Gratitude

Today is Thanksgiving Day in the United States and I’m sure many people started their day working on today’s big meal.

I’m fortunate enough to have a father who loves to cook — he even worked in a restaurant back in the day — and handles our holiday meals. My job is just to be the hostess with the mostest.

Since I cleaned my house yesterday and will set the table while Daddy’s dressing is in the oven, I was able to spend Thanksgiving morning actually giving thanks. My Start Today journal prompts me to list five things I’m grateful for each day, but today I wanted to do more. Today I wanted to try five minutes of gratitude instead.
