How to Tune Into Your Writer’s Intuition

Merriam-Webster defines intuition as “quick and ready insight; the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference.”

Sometimes we call intuition a sixth sense or a gut instinct. And there’s no shortage of anecdotes about the power of female intuition.  But could tuning into your intuition make you a better writer?


How to Read More in 2020

Stephen King once said, “If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that.”

We writers know that reading is one of the best ways to improve our craft, yet we often fail to make the time to do it. Frankly, many of us even fail to make the time to write!

But reading can benefit us in more ways than we know and making time to read may be easier than we think.


My Goals for 2020

Girl, it’s time to level up.

My inner voice has been saying this to me a lot lately. My husband and my best friend have been telling me this, too. And I’ve decided to listen to all of them.

That’s why I chose “GROWTH” as my word for 2020 and that’s why I’ve set 10 goals for 2020 that will take me to the next level in every area of my life.


Design of a Decade: Lessons Learned in the Past 10 Years

Tacos, TED Talks, and Taking Leaps. If I had to come up with an alliterative title for the past 10 years I think that’s what it would be. For weeks I’ve been planning to write a Year in Review post. But last week it hit me that since we are at the end of a decade, reviewing the past 10 years might be much more fun and more valuable to you. So let’s do this!

Here are 10 lessons I’ve learned in the past 10 years…
