To put it plainly, See Jane Write Collective member Dr. Millie Jackson is smart. Really smart. She has a Ph.D. in English as well as graduate degrees in storytelling, health education, and library and information science. She’s also a certified coach, yoga teacher, reiki master, and labyrinth facilitator.
Her resume alone is enough to make her Member of the Month, but what makes Millie such a great addition to the See Jane Write tribe is how she blends all of her knowledge together as she searches for ways to live life to the fullest and shares this journey through her writing.
For about 10 years she blogged at https://milliejackson.wordpress.com about her health and wellness journey as a distance triathlete and then a yoga student and teacher. She’s in the process of launching a new site at http://www.millieljackson.com that will focus on writing, storytelling, and positive psychology coaching.
In the meantime, she’s busy leading workshops on writing for wellness. In late April she’s leading a virtual writing for wellness session exclusively for See Jane Write Collective members!
When See Jane Write hosted its first in-person meetup in Tuscaloosa, Alabama in summer of 2019, Millie was there and has been a loyal part of the group ever since.
Read on to get to know Dr. Millie Jackson.